Drop ball in an under 14's match


Active Member
So to give you some background, the red team had a player winded but the ball was in play. I continued playing for around 20-30 seconds to see if a) he got up and b) if the ball went out of play. Neither of these happened although within that time the red team had regained possession.

I therefore blew the whistle, signaled for treatment and within 30 seconds he was back on his feet ready to play. Due to the new rules, I instructed that I would drop the ball and explained it would be uncontested. The boys stared back at me as if I was speaking another language.

I decided the correct thing to do was not to start my watch again and explain to both the red team and white team what the process would be. I explained that drop balls were now uncontested, the ball would be dropped for the red team and when the ball hits the floor it's in play and he can continue playing at his feet. He said he understood. I then explained to the white team that he must remain 3m away but the ball is in play when it hits the floor.

What do you think happened? I dropped the ball low to the ground so it didn't need to be controlled and the red player just stared at me. I heard some moans and said the ball is in play and to continue. The whites were quicker to figure it out so he ran in and took the ball to start an attack.

In fairness, no one complained. I made a point of speaking to both managers after the game and one manager wasn't aware of the rules while the other was aware, had explained it to his players but didn't think the understood :rolleyes:
A&H International
Players should have been 4m away but that’s being picky! Sounds typical really, you’ve done all you can do in terms of explaining, not your fault if they don’t get it after you’ve practically handed it to them on a plate
I had a similar situation yesterday. Ball hit the wire which hold the net when the pitch is split for 9 and five a side. Decided to drop ball to team who had possession. Opposing player trots up to contest. Look on his face when I explained it was not contested was a picture. Could almost see comprehension working its way to his consciousness.
Players should have been 4m away but that’s being picky! Sounds typical really, you’ve done all you can do in terms of explaining, not your fault if they don’t get it after you’ve practically handed it to them on a plate

You are indeed correct, I stand corrected!
Yesterday an U15 game and a ball comes onto the field of play during my game, at first it didn't effect the play and i was trying to get to the ball or hopeful a player would kick it off before it interfered.

Five seconds or so later there is two balls almost next to each other and a team loses possession, i blew as it was completely unfair on the team who had gained a promising attack and we had a contested drop ball.

One of the players said we dont have "bounce ups" anymore even i know that (not strictly true but i was impressed he must have done some home work on the new laws if even he wasn't correct.
Players should have been 4m away but that’s being picky! Sounds typical really, you’ve done all you can do in terms of explaining, not your fault if they don’t get it after you’ve practically handed it to them on a plate
... or literally dropped it right in front of them.
I tend to drop it with a little help so the ball goes toward the player that is going to have possession. Not had any issues yet.

Slightly unconnected, I've done around 10 pre season friendlies and on Saturday first open age league game, I've issued at least 1 sin bin in every game so far!