Open Age Elbow!


New Member
Level 2 Referee

After some clarification please...

Offending player has the ball and is running towards the half way line. Opposition player is running behind him, as he got closer the offending player has looked at him, then elbowed him to the face.

What is the offence? My local association are having some issues deciding.

Thanks in advance.
A&H International
Yes mate, I obviously know what I've put on my report but I'll wait to see what everyone else thinks first!
Now I'm going out on a limb and will suggest that the debate is whether it is Violent Conduct of Serious Foul Play.

The argument will run, that the ball is in play so it might be the latter. However, for me as described the ball here is irrelevant. Violent Conduct, no challenge for the ball is being made by the elbower.
Hey @ausref - no fair - make it easy for me please ;)

From the OP I'd be thinking Violent Conduct ... doesn't sound like the offending player is challenging for the ball (Serious Foul Play)
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If the offender has possession of the ball, he can't be challenging for it - violent conduct!
Violent conduct for me, as @Tealeaf has said the ball is incidental to the offence in this instance.
It's clear the ball is in play so either Serious Foul Play or Violent Conduct are applicable. The question is, is the offender challenging for the ball? As he is in possession of the ball, it would be reasonable to say he isn't challenging therefore, the offence should be Violent Conduct.
Even if he wasn't in possession, as described, it is hard to imagine there is a challenge for the ball taking place anyway.

Interesting though and I can see why there's debate.
Offending player has the ball and is running towards the half way line. Opposition player is running behind him, as he got closer the offending player has looked at him, then elbowed him to the face.

I think we are guessing a bit as to what the Offending player is doing ... the opposition player is getting closer ... he looks at the opposition player ... does the Offending player:
  • step away from the ball to commit the offence, or
  • whilst dribbling (in possession) of the ball downstairs with his feet, simultaneously commit the offence upstairs with his elbow ??
I can see the debate - even though I agree with most / all that it's VC and not SFP

A slight tangent question too please ... does it really matter which box we tick (VC or SFP) ... is the ban / fine going to be different ..?
I think we are guessing a bit as to what the Offending player is doing ... the opposition player is getting closer ... he looks at the opposition player ... does the Offending player:
  • step away from the ball to commit the offence, or
  • whilst dribbling (in possession) of the ball downstairs with his feet, simultaneously commit the offence upstairs with his elbow ??
I can see the debate - even though I agree with most / all that it's VC and not SFP

A slight tangent question too please ... does it really matter which box we tick (VC or SFP) ... is the ban / fine going to be different ..?
I guess it can be contested. If you did someone for SFP and he was nowhere near the ball (i.e. it was VC), presumably he could appeal and win a ban.
I can't!! Sounds like a nailed on VC
Has a foul been committed?
Was it careless, reckless or use excessive force or brutality?
Was the ball in play?
Was the offender challenging for the ball?
Plenty of options for debate because not every referee will know the laws of the game back to front. And interpretation plays a role, too.
The large majority will decide it's VC but some will not as it is clear with the text from the OP.
Either way its a red card, whether the person who reads your report thinks it's SFP or VC the fact remain that he/she won't be playing for a few games.
You guys are all harsh refs ... impeding an opponent, YC ...

I joke, I joke! VC, RC all day every day
A slight tangent question too please ... does it really matter which box we tick (VC or SFP) ... is the ban / fine going to be different ..?
Depends on context and your FA, but over here in Ontario? Yes. Different. VC is considered a step worse than SFP.
A slight tangent question too please ... does it really matter which box we tick (VC or SFP) ... is the ban / fine going to be different ..?
The ban and fine would be the same, although it would make a difference in terms of disciplinary points for the club - SFP is 5 points, VC is 6.