England v République de Colombie

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A&H International
A German playing for a Jewish team scores the winner for England.

You couldn’t make it up.
In all the bars in all the world I had to find a disgruntled Wednesday fan giving it large in Folkestone. I had to bite my tongue and support the boys instead of showing him the door!
So, as a referee community, what have we learned?

Is the future of football to put away your cards?
What does this game show about changing the rules for tournament football?
Still baffled by the yellow for head butt, he never saw it but someone did! How, why, is that yellow, it’s nothing or Red surely! What’s a yellow for AA??

Have now seen the headbutt....... yellow

Its the exact senario which was changed a few years back, where, any motion of the head into an opponent was a red, the offence however was effectivley downgraded to a yellow unless enough force was used to warrant a red. Which for me is what happened here, its a head butt motion, without the brutality to make it a red.
There was a change to the law saying in cases where negligible force is used when striking someone's head. that it may only be a yellow card but that only applies to the use of the 'hand or arm'. I wouldn't call the force used here negligible either.
Can't find anything that says Eric Dier is German? So maybe you can.

I’m going mad bester, I thought he had an English father and moved to Germany as a new born & was raised there his whole life.

I’m cracking up mate, god only knows where I got that from or who I may be mixing him up with.
Portuguese/English nationality.

Suprised you didnt check google :ninja:

Sorry mate couldbt help it.
I’m going mad bester, I thought he had an English father and moved to Germany as a new born & was raised there his whole life.

I’m cracking up mate, god only knows where I got that from or who I may be mixing him up with.
Lewis Holtby
Lewis Holtby
James I love you.

That’s the one his did was in the RAF strong patriotic Yorkshireman that wanted his boy to play for England.

Same team spurs same colour hair blonde, I was nearly right :)
Still baffled by the yellow for a head butt, if the ref never saw it i get that, but someone did! How, why, is that yellow, it’s nothing or Red surely! What’s a yellow for AA??

That it didn't get a VAR is what concerns me, as that validates the decision.

I'm just cautious here, because I'm anticipating someone doing a proper headbutt on a Saturday and asking how come it's a red and not a yellow, cos that's what happened in the World Cup.

I've given cautions for 'rutting' when players have their handbags out, but that's different from this in my view, this is a headbutt/attempt.
Shakira, Rene Higuita, Carlos Valderrama, Pablo Escobar...have a bit of this
That it didn't get a VAR is what concerns me, as that validates the decision.

I'm just cautious here, because I'm anticipating someone doing a proper headbutt on a Saturday and asking how come it's a red and not a yellow, cos that's what happened in the World Cup.

I've given cautions for 'rutting' when players have their handbags out, but that's different from this in my view, this is a headbutt/attempt.

A proper head butt is a red,
A use of the head, motion of headbutt, until, 5? year ago, was a red. Then, it changed to the use of the head, even when making contact, to be deemed a yellow unless the force used was, quote. "brutal". We had the word "brutality" drummed into us, and incidents like tonight, do not fall into the brutality catergory. That was certainly the teaching and directives that we received. The thing we left the meetings with was, use of the head, aggression, or brutal. As ever, I accept this might not be the teaching other folk received in other countries. Given what happened with the referee tonight, however they got there, it appears they also had the same education
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