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A&H International
When you say 'wrong' - do you mean wrong in law or that you don't agree with the subjective calls?

He stated on air that the tournament had concussion subs and he's disagreed with the handball call that VAR intervened with in the wall that I thought was pretty clearly correct. So both.
Definitely a positive tick for VAR with the Spanish penalty decision. 👍

Hard to say how just good Spain were as Slovakia were truly shocking. Spain's first goal is the without a doubt the best goal you will see in this tournament! 😂
Can you guys even understand clattenburg? . He is from the North East and heard you guys struggled with our North Eastern accents. THINKING Cheryl Cole here 😂😂

I can actually understand him, but I also lived in Europe for 15 months and spent quite a bit of time in England. The Geordie accent is a little tough, but I'm managing.

He's just been well off base on a number of items. The lack of understanding regarding concussion subs was a big one. I'm OK with disagreeing with someone on a subjective decision unless it's something like "well, that couldn't have been a foul because there was no intent." Not understanding the rules of competition for a major tournament is, for me, inexcusable.
What a call by Antonio Lahoz!

Far too often keepers get away with following through on an attacker, not tonight with Lahoz. Could have easily had a few French names in the book for dissent as well.
Great spot by Lahoz.
But why not red?
And Lahoz handled the situation badly I thought. Confusing card to no one.

And the France penalty decision was wrong IMHO.

His timing seems off and he’s made the game all about him,
Good pen for Portugal
The France pen is not a pen and is a clear and obvious error for me. Where is VAR?

They can't say it was a clear and obvious error because Semedo did bring his arm up and give a slight push with it. Not a penalty for me but VAR can't get involved there.
I'm not going to discuss the decision but did anyone else notice that the pundits were unusually critical of Lahoz.

Again I don't want to debate wheather it was or wasn't a pen. Just I cannot remember ever hearing an English referee get talked about like that.

Just rubbed me the wrong way I guess.
They can't say it was a clear and obvious error because Semedo did bring his arm up and give a slight push with it. Not a penalty for me but VAR can't get involved there.
Yes, I see what you are saying BUT I think 999999/1000000 will say its not a pen, and the 1/1000000 are French, that's exactly the sort of decision we want overturning.
Always the same with English TV pundits, as far as they are concerned foreign players are "diving cheats" whilst English players are "clever".

VAR over-rule on Benzema offside. Quite refreshing how quick they are making these calls compared to the Premier League. Hopefully the suits at the FA are watching and taking notes!
1st penalty - definite penalty for the follow through from Lloris
2nd penalty - mbappe does well to make it look like he’s been pushed but not a penalty
3rd penalty - no need for hands to be where they are, correctly given as a penalty

That the general consensus?
Lahoz certainly isn't heading into retirement quietly! 😂

Ridiculous "defending", deservedly punished!
Yes, I see what you are saying BUT I think 999999/1000000 will say its not a pen, and the 1/1000000 are French, that's exactly the sort of decision we want overturning.

It isn't what the authorities want overturning though as it was a subjective decision. FIFA and UEFA only want things overturned when it is 100% and blatantly wrong, like the Henry handball that knocked Ireland out.
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