first 3 games


Level 7 Referee
well i have just got home from refereeing my first 3 u8 games first 2 went well(only 10 mins each way) but during the second half i gave a penalty for a clip of the ankles, a parent didn't like it and shouted a lot of abuse at me including A LOT of swearing, just for his luck he had signed a code of conduct and there was a "RESPECT" ASSESSOR there, but i have pulled my socks up and i am ready for the u12 cup game tomorrow.... BRING IT ON!!! :D
A&H International
It's the big day, I am up so early as I need to walk there it's a 10am kick off. So I have to be there for 9 to do pitch inspections e.t.c
Have a great game! Let us know how it goes.

Remember, smile!:D
Good luck with the game. I had two U12s yesterday, 1st was fine, 2nd was fine, but I had to caution one player, I had had it all from him! "I hate you, You're not reffing one of my matches again..." . You can imagine the sort of player. I just replied "OK" to all of what he said to me, and his dad came over and apologised after the game. Those comments didn't bother me, it was the other offences that he had committed that bothered me. Enjoy your game, and be confident!
it went very well, i really enjoyed it even though i was freezing, i kind of regret not getting a long sleeve shirt, i think i may get one, there was one idiot who was swearingly( if that is a word) questioning all my decisions i did or didn't make against his team, i am going to report him to the fa, but other than that it went well, I need to work on my fitness and positioning
I wouldn't bother spending the money on a long sleeve shirt, just buy a thermal to wear underneath it! Works for me. But it's your personal opinion at the end of the day!

& there will always be one! Surprising at U12 though! Wouldn't expect my younger brother to do that to a ref at one of his games!
i think i will get the diamond before a&h run out, i was surprised at the under 8 a parent telling me to F**k off because i gave a penalty against his sons team!!
What League are you in? If I was you, I would see if there are any respect leagues in your area. I am with a respect league, and nothing goes on. Sometimes I get a little shout of the parents, but never swearing, because they know that they can't, because anything like that I have to report to my league, and the club gets fined. Also, they have to stand behind a barrier on one side of the pitch, which helps, all because my league is a respect league.
That surprises me! In my league, you do get parents shouting like I said before, but never any swearing! All I can say then is to report this to your League.
I just ordered a Diamond kit from the A&H website, and I got an e-mail saying they were back ordering. So not too sure whether they are actually getting them back into stock or not! :eek:

The parents are the worst! Sometimes I dread the parents more than the players!
I coach an u14 team and i remind all the parents before the game that their kids are out there for fun and bad language will not be tolerated. I.E i will ask them to move away or leave. at 1st they didn't like it but they are starting to understand after i got the kids to explain to them what the shouting actually does to them when playing football.
I once had a ref (using the term loosely as 'the guy in the middle with the whistle' I'm not sure how qualified he was) for one of my junior games as a coach, I think it was u8, who got so fed up with one parent, he called their child to him, and said, "Right son, I am removing you from this game for the time being, please go and tell your Mother that you will not be allowed back on the pitch until she calms down a bit"

Not sure quite how that stands in Law, but by god it worked!