First aider dissent


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
So during today’s game I was receiving frequent acts of dissent from one teams first aider. I had warned him and the manager about his action but I knew in the back in my mind that I couldn’t get to a stage of sending him off and I think he was aware of that as well. How would you deal with this? it did occur to me that maybe the cards could have been directed towards the manager, but as per the LOTG that only really applies if I can’t identify the culprit.
A&H International
All you can do is advise that you will submit a separate misconduct report for every instance and do so.
I mean worst case scenario, if it got beyond a certain level you'd just have to go home early and report that too.
All you can do is advise that you will submit a separate misconduct report for every instance and do so.
I mean worst case scenario, if it got beyond a certain level you'd just have to go home early and report that too.
Misconduct is what I ended up doing for today. It’s a bit of a frustrating loophole for the technical area really.
Misconduct is what I ended up doing for today. It’s a bit of a frustrating loophole for the technical area really.

if he is outrageous, can you plant a seed that you might seek to use the other teams first aider if needed?
My understanding is that a clubs physio / first aider is not exempt from being cautioned or given a red card. The only issue is that they cannot be dismissed from the field of play if there is nobody else who can administer treatment.
Correct. So what do you do if you give him a red card and he doesnt stop?
At supply league and above its as @JamesL and @Mr Dean have said. At grass roots it's extremely likely that the "first aider" doesn't know the difference between a can of Deep Heat and a can of WD40 so I would be very tempted to just get rid of them.
Having issued a red card to a physio, any further misconduct can be reported additionally (misconduct after dismissal)
In some youth leagues especially, there is a rule that each club must have a qualified First Aider present.
The idea of abandonment is a difficult one, perhaps depending on the score at the time (the abandonment threat is stronger if the club at fault is winning)
No easy answer, needs judgement by the referee as to what will work best.
At supply league and above its as @JamesL and @Mr Dean have said. At grass roots it's extremely likely that the "first aider" doesn't know the difference between a can of Deep Heat and a can of WD40 so I would be very tempted to just get rid of them.

take care with kids, where I am someone MUST be registered as the first aider, child protection and all that.
he/she goes, so does your game

as ever regional variations apply
It's worth familiarising yourself with the leagues rules, especially regarding touchline behaviour which includes manager, coaches, first aiders etc. Most I've officiated in make the team manager responsible for their behaviour and fines can be issued if the rules are broken. Knowing the rules and pointing this out to the team manager may make it stop.
It's worth familiarising yourself with the leagues rules, especially regarding touchline behaviour which includes manager, coaches, first aiders etc. Most I've officiated in make the team manager responsible for their behaviour and fines can be issued if the rules are broken. Knowing the rules and pointing this out to the team manager may make it stop.
That's a good point. With regard to technical area sanctions I have come across variations between different areas, league and age groups. All well intended but clearly scope for confusion.
Correct. So what do you do if you give him a red card and he doesnt stop?
The correct approach is to RC him and advise him that he can only stay to treat players. Any further comments may be reported as separate misconduct reports - so one for each extra.

Let the CFA deal with the proper procedure afterwards, but if get a RC report and 3 misconduct reports for the same person at the same game, it is going to be expensive......And they won't be going to football for some time, so the club will need to find another First aider.
I would have thought I'd find something in the good book on this but nothing.

I'm with @lincs22 . However if it becomes too persistent and severe I'd think about abandoning. But I'd give the manager a chance to shut him up before I do.