First assistant referee assessment report

Sheff Ref

Level 6 Referee
What kind of mark constitutes a good score?

I just got a 76 which I assume is relatively good at supply league level?
A&H International
That's a good score. Although you will see quite a variance in marks at that level. I remember having an (in my own mind) quite an average game but ending up with an 80 on the assessment (!)
70 is a standard performance at supply league level, so to get a 76 is in the "good" level. 73-75 is "above standard".

@Sheff Ref - was it on the new style forms, with only three marking boxes: Offside, Support and assistance, and other?
Canada's recently moved to a new system where an '80' is considered a "pass", no matter the level. So you're always being judged as per your level such that a grassroots referee will get a mark out of 100, where 90+ is considered to be well above standard, 80 is "standard", and 75 and lower is "did not meet expected standard" (76-79 is meets standard, but made a match critical error). A national level referee will also get a mark out of 100, where the levels are pretty much the same... but the standards are, obviously, higher.