Junior/Youth First Cup game


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi All

Passed my BRC and started refereeing in March this year so have my first cup game this weekend. Its U17's so 40 minutes each way with possible 10 minutes each way extra time then penalties.

Any advice for refereeing cup games in terms of fitness/lasting potentially 100 minutes then penalties.

Also if it goes to penalties how would you proceed, ask the manager to nominate 5 penalty takers then write them down on back of match card and mark off who scores/misses?

Any advice appreciated
A&H International
With regard to fitness, wouldn't worry about it too much. You can't spend all game fretting about it and reffing differently. And if it's level with 10 minutes to play then you certainly can't hold back! Maybe just ensure you have plenty to drink throughout and something to eat (banana?) at half time.

With penalties, whilst it's becoming accepted practice to get a list of penalty takers in advance, it's actually meaningless as either team can change their mind at any point. So personally, I wouldn't bother

Only thing you do need to be sure of is who is actually on the pitch at the end of 120 mins. Only those players are eligible to take penalties.

Best of luck!
In expectation of penalty kicks I suggest you refresh yourself on the procedure as per LOTG, particularly the details such as what to do if one team finishes the game with less players. I don't consider a list of penalty takers necessary - it is not required by LOTG and, as Russell Jones says, the sequence can be changed at any point. Just make sure that you keep a good record of which players have taken kicks as well as the actual score.
Thanks for your help.

The LOTG say that the referee will pick the goal which will be used, how do people decide this?

Anyone got any ideas on how to distinguish between players who have been subbed and those on the field still, should I ask the coaches to use bibs for those on the bench (the competition rules are rolling subs) then I can ensure that they are off the FOP and the takers are at the centre circle.

Finally as I will have neutral AR's would you use them for penalties or just say thanks for your help, now you can be a spectator kind of thing

In regards to neutral AR's, have your senior AR in between the two teams in the centre circle and the other on the goal line to watch to see if the keeper comes off his line
Just use which ever goal area is in better condition, probably won't be much of a difference. In terms of managing who can and who can't take a penalty, I've always been told to ensure that subs that were subs at the full time whistle stay of the pitch until the conclusion of the penalty shoot out.
Game went well, no controversies, actually very little for me to as there were very few fouls and thus no words or cards were required.

Game finished 5-1 to the home side so was never close to going to extra time or pens. (away team scored at the very end of the game)
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