Junior/Youth First game as linesman

Callum Ward

New Member
Level 8 Referee
I am running the line for the first time on Sunday and I would like to know a few things about it:

1) When I get there is it necessary to introduce myself to the managers or should I just go straight over to speak to the ref and other linesman?
2) How will I be paid? Do I go over to the manager or does the manager give the linesman's pay to the referee?
3) Why would the game need linesmen? It is just an ordinary U12 league game, all of which I have done didn't have linesmen.

A&H International
1. If the referee isn't there when you arrive, introduce yourself as normal. If the referee is there then speak to him/her first, never hurts to introduce yourself to club management though as this is polite and starts of a positive relationship between all parties.
2. Depends...sometimes you will calculate your total fee/expenses as a team and then ask the management for that, or the management may want to pay you individually. Don't worry about that. Remember that assistants usually receive less than the referee so check what you are due beforehand in the league handbook.
3. Usually for cup semi finals/finals depending on the league. A league decider may warrant three assistants I suppose. Perhaps the league are looking to give you some referees experience of running the line.

Other than that, enjoy it, don't be afraid to ask your colleagues for advice if there is anything you are unsure of. Good luck!
Also how much should I expect to get paid, bearing in mind you get paid £20 for refereeing matches.

Don't worry about that. Running the line is a fantastic experience and if you get into it, can be more enjoyable than the middle.

Remember too, that good linesman are hard to come by in a lot of areas. Impress and you may find yourself assisting the ref at some big finals!

There are some videos on YouTube from the US Soccer Federation about assistant signals and movement which are fantastic. The ref should go through what he wants pre match. Ask any questions.

Biggest advice... Ask everything that pops into your head. Nothing will sound stupid. I had a level 5 running the line yesterday and he asked pre match what side to go and whether the assistants swap ends at half time. Quite a basic question that he should know but the ref, of course, just gave a simple answer and continued to tell him what he wants.

Ask questions and when you get on the pitch, don't let a fag papers width between your line and the 2nd last defender. Run down to the 6 yard for the odd goal kick, get involved, tell the players of they ask you how far off they are, don't be afraid to speak and remember, the referee should be experienced and will look after you. Any problems with players give the referee a nice flag and have a word. As you'll be an NAR he will go with what you say and punish accordingly.

Good luck mate.
Remember you are there to help the referee with fouls and misconduct too, not just for offside and throw ins. If there is action down your line, either an attack or a throw in, don't be afraid to tell the players to "keep hands down" or "don't foul" or "nothing silly number 5". This lets the players know that you are observing and can help reduce misconduct which can help match control and reduce the chance of mass confrontation. Although it's unlikely to happen at u12 level, getting into a habit is a good start.