First game over


New Member
Just got home from reffing my first ever game. Was a lot harder than I had ever expected. Concentration levels through the roof.
Think I would give my self 5/10
Possisioning ok.
Decision making Average.
Clamping down on dissent needs a lot of work.

But still looking forward to the next game.
A&H International
Dissent it a tough thing to deal with. You’ll learn over time how to deal with different situations more effectively but although they try on the ref courses, it’s not something which can be taught. It comes with experience
I use the
A = ask the dissenting player to refrain
T = Tell the dissenting player, the next incidence of dissent will result in a Y/C
C = Card the offending player
I use the
A = ask the dissenting player to refrain
T = Tell the dissenting player, the next incidence of dissent will result in a Y/C
C = Card the offending player

I'd disagree to the red. I'd humbly suggest that when you frame it that way, you've boxed yourself into a corner. In my view, we are best off never saying explicitly what we will do, as the unexpected next event may not warrant what we said, which gives us a catch 22.

But I do agree that, dependent on the level of dissent, the three steps can be effective and make it clear that the card is no surprise. I just don't think "next time is a card" is the best way to frame it.
Just got home from reffing my first ever game. Was a lot harder than I had ever expected. Concentration levels through the roof.
Think I would give my self 5/10
Possisioning ok.
Decision making Average.
Clamping down on dissent needs a lot of work.

But still looking forward to the next game.

Then you had a good first game!

I think almost everyone who tries it finds this is harder than it looks.
Well done, and that's the first step to improving, reviewingbyour performance.
Using spaces in sentences helps too @Mintyref :poop: You should have phoned a friend!! ;)

Reffing takes practice, and practice, you'll mess up occasionally, as you get better you'll get better at hiding the mistakes too!!!
Well done @Afcnick. You pretty much summarised the first game of every referee (unless its a U6 game).

I use the
A = ask the dissenting player to refrain
T = Tell the dissenting player, the next incidence of dissent will result in a Y/C
C = Card the offending player
How about ACT? Ask the player to stop. Card the player . Tell the captain the player had been warned, he is on a yellow now and its up to him if he wants to stay on the field.
Or how about CAT? Card the player. Act confident about your decision. Tell yourself well done mate :), there was no room for managing that due to its severity.

In reality, those letters can come in any order.