The Ref Stop

First game tomorrow, u10's

Luke Riley

New Member
Level 9 Referee
I've got my first referee game tomorrow, u10's boys. Any tips on how to referee u10's differently to others? E.g. Retake foul throw etc. Also if I haven't got a full referee kit what should I wear?
The Ref Stop
Hi Luke, welcome to the world of refereeing! I'm currently a trainee ref like you who's done quite a few games now. I haven't done U10's as I do U12, U12 and above so I don't know the rules that they play. Do they play Mini-Soccer? Whatever rules, Picking straight up on foul throws may be a bit harsh as such young age but I fell at the age you as a ref can act like a second coach. If they do something wrong, then tell them what it was without putting them off. I didn't have a kit for my first game either so I recommend Black Shorts and a black top and if you don't have that wear the darkest suitable top you have or a black coat. I did that and didn't have any problems. Hope you game goes well and enjoy! Let us know how you do!
Hi Luke, welcome to the world of refereeing! I'm currently a trainee ref like you who's done quite a few games now. I haven't done U10's as I do U12, U12 and above so I don't know the rules that they play. Do they play Mini-Soccer? Whatever rules, Picking straight up on foul throws may be a bit harsh as such young age but I fell at the age you as a ref can act like a second coach. If they do something wrong, then tell them what it was without putting them off. I didn't have a kit for my first game either so I recommend Black Shorts and a black top and if you don't have that wear the darkest suitable top you have or a black coat. I did that and didn't have any problems. Hope you game goes well and enjoy! Let us know how you do!
Thanks! Yes I think they are in the last year of mini soccer. What about my badge I received when I finished my referee course, what do I do with that?
I've got my first referee game tomorrow, u10's boys. Any tips on how to referee u10's differently to others? E.g. Retake foul throw etc. Also if I haven't got a full referee kit what should I wear?

Just go out and enjoy the game. You should be playing 20 minutes each half for U10s. Keep talking to the players throughout the game. Have you not ordered your kit? Let us know how you get on
Get a copy of the league rules from the person who gave you the appointment. You'll probably find with mini-soccer that they use the retreat rule at goal kicks, don't have offsides, etc, so you'll need to know that.

As others have said, don't be too strict on things like throw-ins. If it's a really bad one, stop play, ask them to take it again, and tell them what they did wrong. Remember at that level it's all about the players enjoying themselves.

Don't worry about wearing the County badge if you haven't got proper kit yet. Just wear something black.

Good luck, and enjoy it!
Another question, what about pre kick off routine? Should I still get the captains and toss a coin etc?

Yes. Still go with the normal routine that you went through on the course.

Although scissors, paper, stone does sound like a fun alternative!
I did a mini soccer game last week as there were not many games. KO as usual. Throw ins ask the managers what they want to do. Normalyy they agree to another retake with coaching to the same player then it will go over. The retreat I think is pretty standard. No offsides,double check on the pass back rule, I think it doesn't apply at mini soccer but I could be wrong at that. Always count after subs have been made. 2 watches and write down your KO time. More importantly cat confident. Strong signals, strong whistles and quick decision making. Keep up with play, your angles will be totally different to what you were taught on the course as your have no Ars and talk to the players. Use your voice to communicate decisions to the players and to the crowd. Clothing as black as you can. Enjoy and let us know how you get on.
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of refereeing!

Just to expand on what Tino and others have already said, backpass law does apply, free kicks/corners - 5 yards, goal kicks can be taken anywhere in the area - opposition should retreat to their own half, however defending team doesn't have to wait for them to retreat before the goal kick can be taken.

Throw ins - Allow the player to retake the throw if they get it wrong and explain to them where they went wrong.

Pre-match - Introduce yourself to the managers when you arrive, pitch inspection still important in mini-soccer especially if it's a public park, check the goals etc.

Laws can be downloaded in pdf format from the FA website:-

Most importantly, try to be as confident as possible, relax and enjoy. Let us know how you get on. Parents will probably be gobby, try to ignore it as much as possible, but if it goes to far, ask the manager to speak to them.
Great to hear Luke. Doing games with kids is a great way to help build your confidence and to get into a game routine where it's not the end of the world if you get something wrong. All refs do kids games differently but as long as your consistent you'll get on fine. Don't forget it's about development for the kids as well as you.

Some tips for kids games that may help if you want to adopt them;

Explain every decision to them, they're still learning the laws so explain why it was or wasn't a foul rather than just saying it's a free kick.
Speak to the keepers before the game and make sure they know about the back pass rule and how you'll interpret it. I will tell them that any deliberate pass towards the goal (whether it's to them or a defender) is a back pass and not to pick it up, where there might be doubt I will try to tell them it's ok to pick it up or not.
All refs treat throw ins differently, depending on the age I'll let some foul throws go to keep the game flowing but will tell them what they are doing wrong at the time and again before their next one.
Know how many subs each team has, if there are a lot of rolling subs, it can SOMETIMES be easier to make sure the number of kids on the sideline is right rather than counting the players every time
Be strong on dissent and use the stepped approach, they need to learn that it's not acceptable and at this age they're learning what they can and can't get away with.
You'll get a lot of bouncing balls hitting hands accidently, decide if you're going to give them or not, be consistent and if you're not giving them shout play on clearly as sometimes they'll all just stop.
If you get gobby parents/managers abusing you, don't be afraid to stop the game and ask them to stop or leave (depending on what they say and the general temperature of the game). Always do it calmly and politely and don't ever get into a discussion or arguement with them. If I've asked a parent to leave the touchline, I'll generally say nothing more until they've gone, usually I'm too busy writing down what they're saying.