The Ref Stop

First Game


RefChat Addict
Having just passed my exam last night, I had a look today on the off-chance to see if there were any leagues near to me that needed a ref today. As luck would have it I have now signed up with an Open Age League that has a number of Divisions. The Refsec sorted me out a game at short notice, not too far from where I live. "They are not used to having a ref as they are lower division". Blimey, he wasn't wrong.
I knew it probably was new to them as I had to warn one player about sock tape being the wrong colour (but let him play on) and advise the home team at the KO that they had to stand in their own half. "But the ball has to go forward" player complained. "I know, but you can't stand there to receive it. You have to start in your own half."
Play was scrappy to say the least. Then one player went in far too hard and received the first caution. Both sides objected! "Come on ref that'll cost him. It wasn't that bad." Loads of complaints from yellows that their GK was being pushed/held etc at a corner. I didn't see it and a goal was scored. Next time there was a corner I'm watching the GK and another goal is scored. Meanwhile other players are complaining that they have been pushed. I can't watch everyone, but I don't tell them that.
Second half, both captains have been spoken to to calm their players down. Little niggly, but nothing too bad. As ball comes in to Penalty Area, yellow captain blatantly pushed green player from behind. I see it, but everyone else seems to be looking up in the air. I blow and give a penalty. Cue lots of complaints from yellow. Yellow GK approaches me "You're a joke". He looks at my refs badge and says "Are you sure?" Caution for dissent. Penalty scores.
Two cautions to green for reckless tackles. Another off the ball incident, which I seem to be the only one who sees and call a DFK. Cue various comments from yellow captain each time ball goes out of play "You sure its not a free kick?" Words of advice given to him.
Final whistle, 6-0 to greens. Some players come and shake my hand, not many though. Yellow GK approaches, I put my hand out to shake it. "I'm not shaking that." He keeps coming. I put my hand up and step back. "You're a ****ing joke. You ruined the game". As he says this, he pushed me a little (it didn't even occur to me that he had done until after the incident when another ref told me he saw it). I remind him that we are still on the field of play and give him a red card for OFFINABUS. Some more handshaking and a comment from the yellow's manager about young hot heads.
Damn GK still wouldn't leave it alone. After I was changed and speaking with the yellow manager, he walked past me, deliberately barging against me telling me I was a joke. I pushed him off me and told him that if he wanted to take it further I was more than happy to. He had to be held back by team mates as he came towards me. What an idiot. It is after all, only a game. I can see why a lot of new refs jack it in.
Not me though. If I jack it in, idiots like that win and the game loses.
Got a nice e-mail from the manager of greens when I got home saying how they enjoyed the game, spoke with the two green players about their cautions, (which he agreed with) and how his team would not condone or tolerate the behaviour of the yellows. So that was nice.
Onward and upwards.
The Ref Stop
Wow! From what I can see you handled things well. Just be sure to write everything in your report about what the yellow gk did.
Sounds like you handled it well! Like Ross said above, definitely report that GK for his conduct. Fortunately incidents like that are few and far between!
I certainly hope so James, I'm not sure I could be doing with that every week. I accept that I did make a couple of mistakes like the usual wrong direction indication in the second half and maybe one or two of the fouls weren't really fouls, just very strong challenges. Hopefully an assessment will be able to sort things like that out and of course more games.
Having just passed my exam last night, I had a look today on the off-chance to see if there were any leagues near to me that needed a ref today. As luck would have it I have now signed up with an Open Age League that has a number of Divisions. The Refsec sorted me out a game at short notice, not too far from where I live. "They are not used to having a ref as they are lower division". Blimey, he wasn't wrong.
I knew it probably was new to them as I had to warn one player about sock tape being the wrong colour (but let him play on) and advise the home team at the KO that they had to stand in their own half. "But the ball has to go forward" player complained. "I know, but you can't stand there to receive it. You have to start in your own half."
Play was scrappy to say the least. Then one player went in far too hard and received the first caution. Both sides objected! "Come on ref that'll cost him. It wasn't that bad." Loads of complaints from yellows that their GK was being pushed/held etc at a corner. I didn't see it and a goal was scored. Next time there was a corner I'm watching the GK and another goal is scored. Meanwhile other players are complaining that they have been pushed. I can't watch everyone, but I don't tell them that.
Second half, both captains have been spoken to to calm their players down. Little niggly, but nothing too bad. As ball comes in to Penalty Area, yellow captain blatantly pushed green player from behind. I see it, but everyone else seems to be looking up in the air. I blow and give a penalty. Cue lots of complaints from yellow. Yellow GK approaches me "You're a joke". He looks at my refs badge and says "Are you sure?" Caution for dissent. Penalty scores.
Two cautions to green for reckless tackles. Another off the ball incident, which I seem to be the only one who sees and call a DFK. Cue various comments from yellow captain each time ball goes out of play "You sure its not a free kick?" Words of advice given to him.
Final whistle, 6-0 to greens. Some players come and shake my hand, not many though. Yellow GK approaches, I put my hand out to shake it. "I'm not shaking that." He keeps coming. I put my hand up and step back. "You're a ****ing joke. You ruined the game". As he says this, he pushed me a little (it didn't even occur to me that he had done until after the incident when another ref told me he saw it). I remind him that we are still on the field of play and give him a red card for OFFINABUS. Some more handshaking and a comment from the yellow's manager about young hot heads.
Damn GK still wouldn't leave it alone. After I was changed and speaking with the yellow manager, he walked past me, deliberately barging against me telling me I was a joke. I pushed him off me and told him that if he wanted to take it further I was more than happy to. He had to be held back by team mates as he came towards me. What an idiot. It is after all, only a game. I can see why a lot of new refs jack it in.
Not me though. If I jack it in, idiots like that win and the game loses.
Got a nice e-mail from the manager of greens when I got home saying how they enjoyed the game, spoke with the two green players about their cautions, (which he agreed with) and how his team would not condone or tolerate the behaviour of the yellows. So that was nice.
Onward and upwards.

Make sure you report the yellow GK, he will hopefully get a lengthy time to think about his actions.
Personally handled it very well probably as i would considering the conditions of the teams but as soon as that keeper comes towards me like that red card straight out. move into a position away from reaching distance - ask for name which if it doesn't come ask manager and remind them that not giving a players name is an offence itself. If he continues to act in an aggressive manor last thing that you should do is react as that will just make him think your ready to fight which should be a last resort i.e self defence. Apart from that lets hope your 2nd will be a bit easier :D
A further bit on your comment about "taking it further if he wanted to" - You need to be careful as you could set-yourself up for a disciplinary of your own here.

Red cards now need video evidence to overturn. However this incident is Misconduct, which can be appealed. All the keeper needs to do is get a couple of mates to say that you offerred him out, and all of a sudden it's on you. Do not underestimate the depths people will go to to get out of trouble. Not just players, but anyone. All of a sudden he is playing the victim with "witnesses" and you are on your own.

Other than that you've done fine.
Tealeaf. Sorry. You're right. Just goes to show how your words can be misconstrued. What I actually said to him was "If you want to take it further and make it more official (meaning the Police) I am more than happy to." But I get your point. I can just see a witness "forgetting" the 'make it more official' bit. It's a bit like telling a player to "back off" and the witness hearing f@£* off .
Well done on your first game, it looks as if you handled things well! A few comments I would like to make:

I knew it probably was new to them as I had to warn one player about sock tape being the wrong colour (but let him play on) and advise the home team at the KO that they had to stand in their own half.

Don't make this a usual habit. Although this was a low level league and you could get away with it there is a problem with doing so; teams make up their minds about very quickly, first impressions count etc..., and if you're recognising that it is illegal, but not doing anything about it, it gives the wrong impression, which may affect your match in some way.

Loads of complaints from yellows that their GK was being pushed/held etc at a corner. I didn't see it and a goal was scored. Next time there was a corner I'm watching the GK and another goal is scored. Meanwhile other players are complaining that they have been pushed. I can't watch everyone, but I don't tell them that.

If you're standing in the right position, most of the time you can see all players. Imagine the penalty box and the penalty arc, where the penalty arc meets the penalty box, draw diagonal lines from there. Your starting position could be here, and when the ball is lifted in, move whilst it is in flight, to have a view of the dropzone (where the ball is likely to land). Don't be afraid to communicate with the players as well "Arms down please guys!" "I'm right here watching!" etc...

Cue various comments from yellow captain each time ball goes out of play "You sure its not a free kick?" Words of advice given to him.

Good to see he got his final warning. Make sure it is a loud as possible so everyone knows that he is treading on thin ice - well done if you did.

Some players come and shake my hand, not many though. Yellow GK approaches, I put my hand out to shake it. "I'm not shaking that." He keeps coming. I put my hand up and step back. "You're a ****ing joke. You ruined the game". As he says this, he pushed me a little (it didn't even occur to me that he had done until after the incident when another ref told me he saw it). I remind him that we are still on the field of play and give him a red card for OFFINABUS. Some more handshaking and a comment from the yellow's manager about young hot heads.
Damn GK still wouldn't leave it alone. After I was changed and speaking with the yellow manager, he walked past me, deliberately barging against me telling me I was a joke. I pushed him off me and told him that if he wanted to take it further I was more than happy to. He had to be held back by team mates as he came towards me. What an idiot. It is after all, only a game. I can see why a lot of new refs jack it in.

Be sure to include all this on your misconduct report - this player needs to be punished for this! What did you mean from the emboldened comment above, by the way?

Good to see you're eager to get out again. Have you spoken to your local mentor co-ordinator?
Drahc thanks for the comments and guidance above. All duly noted. After the captains comments I stopped the throw in, took him to one side and "advised" him in plain view and hearing of a number of his team mates. In fairness, he did apologise after the game and shook my hand. With regard to the emboldened comments I hopefully covered that in my post above yours.
Thanks Mick. Another method you could have used is that if the captain was close to you, whistle to halt the throw in and shout to the captain (so everyone including him knows) something like "Skipper, you're already on one yellow, and you're getting very close to your second. This is your final warning, no more!" with a cutting the grass action - makes it quite obvious and if he does anything else, you're in a stronger position to sell a second yellow card, because he's had his final warning!

And yes, you did cover the comment, just make sure you include everything in your report. Here's a link for some report in writing your report.
Thanks for this mate. We did in fact get that package as part of the course, but the online link is much appreciated.
No worries Mick, we all keep on learning.

Any problems or advice needed, don't be afraid to ask!
Sounds to me like you did really well Mick, so congrats :) and unlucky on getting such a challenge on your first game, my first match was a cakewalk in comparison! dont worry about the mistakes, and keep loud and confident with your decisions. onwards and upwards bud.
Just to update. Got informed by the League Refsec the other night that Yellow Goalie was given a 182 day ban and fined £150. Hopefully he will learn his lesson. He certainly has long enough to think about it. I can only assume that he coughed to it at the disciplinary as I wasn't called to give evidence.