First game


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Hopefully got game 1 of 6 for module 4. 9 a side under 11s game. Discovered that a lad I teach plays for one of the teams! Should be fun!
A&H International
Yeah good luck, make sure you ask the managers at the start how far the players need to be at a restart, if they don't know I normally do about 6/7 yards, it doesn't make much difference as long as it is the same for both teams.
Also don't forget to confirm the times for halves with them cause they can alter that.
There are lots of posts for first games with a lot of good advice on if you search for them.

Good luck mate and have fun :)
Will it count as one of your 6? U11 where I am have no offsides, and for the 6 I think they have to include it. My first game was also an U11, that's why I know!
perfect example from Jojo of how local rules can differ from fa laws

contact the referee secretary from the league and ask how you can get hold of a copy of the league rules. they should either direct to where they can be found online or send you a hard copy.

failing that, familiarise yourself with the f.a. laws, get the two managers together before the game and ask them how their league normally handles no. of subs, length of match, offsides etc, etc. whatever you need to know in effect.

it's their league so it's not your job to decide what rules they should follow. only exception is if they can't agree on something, you will need to suggest which version to go with and get their agreement on that.

as ever, sounds more complex in writing than it is in reality

oh.....and don't forget to smile and enjoy the game :)
Thanks folks, especially for the 9v9 rules link. Thankfully in essex they play offsides at u11 so it does count. I figured the best way is to ask the managers as you said haywain. Broke the news to the lad at school, he didn't seem to upset!
Game complete, 2-2 draw with just a few tricky decisions to make.

Only question is, with club ARs, in your early games did you go with their calls the majority of the time, just to keep things simple?
When it comes to throw ins, corners and goalkicks and offsides yes unless it is obvously the wrong decision. When it comes to fouls, I am not sure that they should be signalling for these if they was.
But like i said most of the time i will trust the CAR's and will go with their decision unless i see otherwise and see it necessary to interrupt
Thanks reece, it was just a few throws and offsides. Only 1of the cars really as he didn't keep up with play, too busy coaching his kids so felt unsure about a lot of his calls.
I try to stick with the CAR, especially on the marginal decisions, unless I've got a really great position and can overrule with authority.

However some of the flags you get are complete rubbish and its clear, even from not being directly in line that the player was not offside, in which case I'll shout something like 'he's not offside, play on'

I tell the captains before the game to play to my whistle, so if the flag goes up and the defenders all stop, then it's their look out.