First match in 18 months


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
First match since the season before last next Saturday, looking forward to it. From memory both teams are capable of playing good football and are not known for giving trouble. Hope that hasn't changed!
Ref Sec from our local youth leagues has clocked that I've taken up the whistle again and has rung me to see if I'd consider officiating a few games for him too. Think he wants to use my rep of not taking any crepe from players, managers or parents.....
Nice to be wanted
I'll let you know how I get on.
A&H International
Wanted to do some cross country with my running club, it was good till about February when I had some back related problems, still recovering though.
Oh f@#&!
Well I managed the game, not too difficult, 3 nil at half time, away team pulled one back and five minutes, later home team restored their three goal advantage, where it ended at full time, lots of hand ball and foul throw shouts, wasn't interested except the one ridiculously poor throw in. Not much of note except the home 15 who took exception to what I thought was a tough but fair challenge in his own half, got straight up to take the challenger down from behind. Quite a 'gentle' challenge really resulted in a bit of handbags between four or five players. Away 16 centre back, came charging in giving it large, sorted it out, quick yellow for adopting an aggressive attitude, didn't think the original challenge warranted any further action much to the annoyance of the away bench.
So that's the good news, late on in first half felt a right calf pull, don't know how I did it, but I finished the match.........yes, mistake, a lot of pain now, could be me off the pitch and my running for two or three weeks.....
Welcome back!

I've actually been wondering what happens when you get injured in the world of amateur football refereeing? Does anyone have any experience of having to end their own game early? What happened from there?
Happened to me on a Saturday afternoon in 2014, two weeks before I was due to run London Marathon.
It was a feisty top of table end of season match.
I was about twenty minutes in and had already dismissed one from each side and it looked like it was going to continue being a heated affair.
Pitch was crap and as I ran over a 'ditch' in the middle of the fop I over extended my right heel pulling my calf. I went down like I'd been shot. Tried to work it off but couldn't continue. Offered to let one of the team's managers take over............neither were going anywhere near it! Match abandoned! All I got was queries about the dismissals, did they count? Would I put them in? One team in particular had a cup final coming up and would lose their striker if it went in. It did! That was the last match I did till last Saturday ......same bloody calf, same sodding away team!
Welcome back!

I've actually been wondering what happens when you get injured in the world of amateur football refereeing? Does anyone have any experience of having to end their own game early? What happened from there?

Oh, I've got loads (sadly) ..! Worst one was a grade 3 calf tear in a supply league game, which resulted in me leaving the pitch being carried by a physio and substitute. Senior referee took over and a someone was plucked from the crowd to run the line. I was out for over 5 months with that one, and it never really properly recovered and caused problems for the next few years.

Happened three times when I was a level 3, although thankfully not with as bad injuries. On two occasions there were qualified referees in the crowd, on the other there wasn't and it caused a massive row. There was a level 7 referee but he was associated with the home club and the away team weren't having it. The thing is though the game has to finish, and if a replacement cannot be agreed on the two remaining officials must complete it on their own. Once the away team manager was told this he backed down, especially once he realised it would be his defensive line that had no assistant referee.

At grass roots where there is only the referee most leagues have a rule that say the game must be played even if there is no qualified referee, with the clubs having to agree on a replacement, with that person inheriting the full powers of a referee for the duration of that game. So I wouldn't see it as being any different if the referee who started the game suddenly gets injured, the clubs would be expected to agree on a replacement. Although potentially an injury that forces a referee off at senior level football might not force him off in a local parks game. At senior level you aren't going to get away with standing in the centre circle, especially when you have two assistants to replace you. Whereas at local level a referee with extremely restricted mobility might well be a better option, and more palatable to the clubs and players, than a manager or coach running around with a whistle.
Happened to me this afternoon, U13 cup game and a little lively. Felt it go at the start of the 2nd half, got progressively worse. Only my 3rd game so really really disappointed. Away now for 2 weeks with work so at least I don't miss any match weekends.... I didn't warm up nearly enough, it's my own fault
Reckon mine was due to lack of running, usually run at least three times a week, in fact supposed to be building distance for another marathon next spring. Hadn't run for nearly five weeks......still final'll y beginning to ease, reckon weekend after next, for another attempt.