Open Age First middle back

Jack M

Active Member
Level 6 Referee
First middle back after almost a year. Confidemce was shot and saw out the season with youth and from November I was doing lines before going back to middles.

Clarets 1-4 Green and black

Home team 3rd from bottom and away team bottom with 1 point all season.

Good game between teams who, for the most part, wanted to play football. The odd comment from the home team but nothing too bad.
One player complained that "He said leave it ref! He said it 3 times!" He then looked genuinely confused whrn I said saying "leave it" is not an offence in itself. How is this still too difficult for players to understand?

Wasn't a 4-1 game but away team scored 2 goals in last 5 mins.
A&H International
First middle back after almost a year. Confidemce was shot and saw out the season with youth and from November I was doing lines before going back to middles.

Clarets 1-4 Green and black

Home team 3rd from bottom and away team bottom with 1 point all season.

Good game between teams who, for the most part, wanted to play football. The odd comment from the home team but nothing too bad.
One player complained that "He said leave it ref! He said it 3 times!" He then looked genuinely confused whrn I said saying "leave it" is not an offence in itself. How is this still too difficult for players to understand?

Wasn't a 4-1 game but away team scored 2 goals in last 5 mins.
Problem with the leave it shout is that I’ve seen some referees give it at grass roots level and more players think you can’t say it than you can. The joys of being a ref!
If you asked 100 Saturday-Sunday league players (sound like Les Dennis here ) if it was an offence to shout leave it or mine, i think over 90 would say it was.