Open Age First red card


Level 5 Referee
Gave my first red card today and it was very odd.
Away team 10-1 up.
Away team attacker played through but was offside so I blow. He swears in frustration, I call him over to tell him to calm down.
He asks why I gave offside, which I explained l. After this he says 'I don't like cheating'.
Given I had to given the decision against him I decided he effectively said I was cheating so :redcard:

He then starts insulting me as he is walking off the pitch very slowly, and then decides to come back on, all of which will be included in my report.

Afterwards he did apologise for losing his head, and the manager queried why I didn't sinbin which I was happy to explain.

Would anyone have done anything different?
A&H International
If you were offended or insulted then you did the right thing.... Now chin up and on to the next game!
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In my PERSONAL opinion I see this as a very harsh red card HOWEVER you have every right to give this as a red card if you felt it was insulting and/or abusive. As for the manager afterwards I would just say I have deemed it to be a red for dissent not a yellow which is why sin bin wasn't used (it happend to me yesterday and that's what I said and he took it without question)
In my PERSONAL opinion I see this as a very harsh red card HOWEVER you have every right to give this as a red card if you felt it was insulting and/or abusive. As for the manager afterwards I would just say I have deemed it to be a red for dissent not a yellow which is why sin bin wasn't used (it happens to me yesterday and that's what I said)
Noooooooooooooooo. No no no. Dissent is a yellow card offence, if you say you've given a "red for dissent", you're opening yourself up to real problems. If something is deserving of a red card, it has to be language that is offensive, insulting or abusive.
Gave my first red card today and it was very odd.
Away team 10-1 up.
Away team attacker played through but was offside so I blow. He swears in frustration, I call him over to tell him to calm down.
He asks why I gave offside, which I explained l. After this he says 'I don't like cheating'.
Given I had to given the decision against him I decided he effectively said I was cheating so :redcard:

He then starts insulting me as he is walking off the pitch very slowly, and then decides to come back on, all of which will be included in my report.

Afterwards he did apologise for losing his head, and the manager queried why I didn't sinbin which I was happy to explain.

Would anyone have done anything different?
Not sure you had much choice
Question I'd always ask, 'how could a better outcome have been achieved?'
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There is a fist for everything :) As above, if you were offended by it then it was a correct red card. At 10-1 it sounds like something that could have been avoided. Maybe not by you, maybe the coach, captain... somehow I feel it was avoidable. I wasn't there so can't tell. Nonetheless in your self assessment think about if you could have done anything to help avoid the escalation of the situation.

And if you have to write a descriptive report, a couple of suggestions. In your report, include that you were offended by his remark. And don't use the word he 'decides'/''decided' like you did in your post (have given this tip to many newbies). It makes it sound as though you knew what he was thinking. Just describe the action/fact. So for example in place of "he decides to come back", say "he came back". It makes the report sound more credible.
Noooooooooooooooo. No no no. Dissent is a yellow card offence, if you say you've given a "red for dissent", you're opening yourself up to real problems. If something is deserving of a red card, it has to be language that is offensive, insulting or abusive.
Yeah that's what I said that it was insulting an/or abusive language I didn't say dissent to coach I don't know why I typed it my bad
Agree with One.....of course YHTBT but sounds like it could have been avoided or, managed better

What's their to explain? Its offside, end of. Give it, and move on.
Not meaning this to sound rude, but your post almost reads like he was egg on/encouraged to have a go at you

Least said, soonest mended.....
'Cheat' in any of its forms should be an ears p'ricked moment for any referee,,,,, I agree with @Ciley Myrus its a YHTBT moment and hopefully a learning curve. Try not to engage with players too much to explain decisions, its on or its off, there is no middle ground.... You called off, so after that, if he moans, there should be finger on your lips and a zip closing action... should he carry on then you got it right, his loss!!
'Cheat' in any of its forms should be an ears p'ricked moment for any referee,,,,, I agree with @Ciley Myrus its a YHTBT moment and hopefully a learning curve. Try not to engage with players too much to explain decisions, its on or off, there is no middle ground.... You called off so that should be finger on your lips and a zip closing action... should he carry on then you got it right, his loss!!

We had this last week on the forum...,for me....it reads like "your cheating us ref", which of course if you feel the need to dismiss for, you can....and all the other usual suspects "you got a blue top on" and all that. These, imo, can be managed.
(of course we dont know whats went on before and so on, but, just based on the post)

Someone pointing straight at you shouting "your a cheat ref", with or without the f word, red card

"I dont like being cheated".........not sure its as easy a sell/credible.

But as usual with offensive, if that's how your biscuit crumbled at that time, then, Cest La Vi
This sounds alright to me. Could go with either a booking or red but there’s definitely reason to feel like he was calling you a cheat
Agree with One.....of course YHTBT but sounds like it could have been avoided or, managed better

What's their to explain? Its offside, end of. Give it, and move on.
Not meaning this to sound rude, but your post almost reads like he was egg on/encouraged to have a go at you

Least said, soonest mended.....
What does "managed better" really mean? That term is used here a lot.

If somebody infers you are a cheat how could you control that player to stop them talking? What do you mean?
Bear in mind too, he had already, swore (used offensive language) and you were content to let that go.
If he has used sweary words, then, that's not up for interpretation, its sweary words.

But what you have decided to bin him for, is his up for interpretation remarks, i.e not as credible.

It does read the same to me as , you got a blue shirt on ref....2 teams on the park ref... its open to interpretation that he is calling you a cheat but factually the words he has used do not say that.
Why would a player talking directly to me after a decision against him personally say to me "i don't like cheating" unless he was talking about me or the assistant referee?
What does "managed better" really mean? That term is used here a lot.

If somebody infers you are a cheat how could you control that player to stop them talking? What do you mean?

We get that inference 100 times a game if we go looking for it !!
"oh come on ref that's our ball, your giving us nothing". red card? the inference is the exact same.

Managed better, well, reading the OP, don't go in looking for it, as Sheff says, its offside, blow give it, and move on the next passage on play. What is to be gained by going "you were ahead of blue 2 when the ball was played"? Nothing
What explination of an offside is needed? You were closer to the goal line than the ball and the 2nd last defender blah blah blah...
The player clearly did not agree with the decision, explaining it to him still wont make him agree with it !!
Why would a player talking directly to me after a decision against him personally say to me "i don't like cheating" unless he was talking about me or the assistant referee?

if you can sell a credible red card here, thats entirely within you remit.
We get that inference 100 times a game if we go looking for it !!
"oh come on ref that's our ball, your giving us nothing". red card? the inference is the exact same.

Managed better, well, reading the OP, don't go in looking for it, as Sheff says, its offside, blow give it, and move on the next passage on play. What is to be gained by going "you were ahead of blue 2 when the ball was played"? Nothing
What explination of an offside is needed? You were closer to the goal line than the ball and the 2nd last defender blah blah blah...
The player clearly did not agree with the decision, explaining it to him still wont make him agree with it !!
As soon as you use that C word you are walking. Querying my honesty in a nothing game is pretty low. The only other insult that is worse is calling me a pedophile.
As soon as you use that C word you are walking. Querying my honesty in a nothing game is pretty low. The only other insult that is worse is calling me a pedophile.

Refs honesty is questioned for 90 mins.
"are your eyes painted on?"
"your giving us nothing"
"two teams on park ref"
"you got a blue shirt on ref?"
"same as last time, giving us f all "
"are we not getting a foul today"
"hows that a booking for us and not for them"

and so on...all accusations that you are favouring one over the other (cheating)