First red in 3 years


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Gave my first red card in 3 years today. Denied a player a penalty, he decided to protest. As I called him in to issue him a yellow for dissent he decided to scream for all to hear “you’re a ****ing bellend ref!” Thanks very much and good night. Best part is, back in the changing rooms he denies all knowledge of it, only for his manager to say, “well I heard what you said” I just admit to smiling to myself when I heard that.
A&H International
Well done @Ross, a three year wait to burst the cherry blockage must of been such a relief to finally break that seal!!! I don't think I had one in my last season but before that there were plenty!!!
I had a 5 card trick for the first time today. Or more like a full house, three for one team and two for tother
It was a battle to keep all the jokers on the pitch. Both with strong hands, two Jack the Lads raised the ante in a face off. They weren't bluffing and might have killed each other, had me and a burly manager not been immediately on the scene to split the pack :wow: (on the touchline next to the dugouts)
Some games just go that way, nothing you can do, if you book early for something then you've got to continue for similar things! That early card can either be a marker in the sand or just a marker for the rest to follow.... Who knows!!
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Its on these dark miserable days that I don't miss refereeing in any way... Babysitting 24 idiots who didn't appreciate my efforts to try and see a safe fair game took part was often a thankless task. I don't have the fitness now but the bug may re-appear one day when someone turns the central heating back on!!!
FT - Foul Tackle.

I think the Welsh code for that is RT - Reckless Tackle.

Edit: Which I think is better, since a foul tackle isn't necessarily a caution, but I suppose you go from logic that if you've been cautioned for an FT it's reckless...
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