First step 6 middle


RefChat Addict
Had my first step 6 middle today and for me I felt it went well despite calls from players saying I've missed this and that.
I had an experienced league officer who is also an observer on one line and another experienced guy on the other, both higher levels than me, and their feedback was great. The observer ref said only thing he might have done was caution the keeper for time wasting. I had a highly visible word with him about this and he sped up a bit after but I could have probably dealt with it quicker.

I cautioned a player for dissent.
This is something that is bugging me.
I'm wondering whether I should have just ignored it and had a quiet word when next out of play. But what I did do was stop play, called him over and told him he was very close to seeing red.
After turning down a penalty appeal he said to me "did you not see that?" I replied with a no.. He then said "your a ****ing..." and paused before not completing his sentence.
I commended him for it and said that if he finished what I thought he was going to say he was off but I said also that I will caution him and he best be on his best behaviour from now on.
Should I have done it differently?
Would you have sent him off or waited until its out of play next and had a word?
A&H International
Had my first step 6 middle today and for me I felt it went well despite calls from players saying I've missed this and that.
I had an experienced league officer who is also an observer on one line and another experienced guy on the other, both higher levels than me, and their feedback was great. The observer ref said only thing he might have done was caution the keeper for time wasting. I had a highly visible word with him about this and he sped up a bit after but I could have probably dealt with it quicker.

I cautioned a player for dissent.
This is something that is bugging me.
I'm wondering whether I should have just ignored it and had a quiet word when next out of play. But what I did do was stop play, called him over and told him he was very close to seeing red.
After turning down a penalty appeal he said to me "did you not see that?" I replied with a no.. He then said "your a ****ing..." and paused before not completing his sentence.
I commended him for it and said that if he finished what I thought he was going to say he was off but I said also that I will caution him and he best be on his best behaviour from now on.
Should I have done it differently?
Would you have sent him off or waited until its out of play next and had a word?
Step 6 with higher level referees?
That doesn't add up. Level 4s ref step 6 and it's very unlikely you'd be spared 2 level 3s to run your line....
Step 6 with higher level referees?
That doesn't add up. Level 4s ref step 6 and it's very unlikely you'd be spared 2 level 3s to run your line....

Not down here. L4s referee step 5 games, L3s do step 3 and 4. Always thought it unfair that in the North, and also the Thurlow Nunn League in the East of England, that L3s referee at step 5 and L4s do step 6.
Same in the south west to. L4 step 7 and 6 (step 7 has Car too) and I believe l5s do step 7 too. Didn't realise that L4s did step 5 elsewhere. Still, surely wouldn't release a level 6 on a step 6 game?
In the step 7 leagues up here it's level 4s. Occasionally, level 5s are appointed (usually on early round FA Cup when the 4s are all taken) but they tend to choose refs who were level 4 until recently.
I never understood why 4s don't do step 5 up here either.
In the step 7 leagues up here it's level 4s. Occasionally, level 5s are appointed (usually on early round FA Cup when the 4s are all taken) but they tend to choose refs who were level 4 until recently.
I never understood why 4s don't do step 5 up here either.
Too many L3s most likely. Speaking with a few down here the perception is observers are more generous in the North with their marking mean less l3s get reclassified. How true that is vs performance of the referees I don't know....
In the step 7 leagues up here it's level 4s. Occasionally, level 5s are appointed (usually on early round FA Cup when the 4s are all taken) but they tend to choose refs who were level 4 until recently.
I never understood why 4s don't do step 5 up here either.
Step 7 down here are covered by L5's.
Step 7 down here are covered by L5's.
Specifically, I'd say I've only ever been given a Step 7 game when I was a L5, but on 5-4 promotion scheme - and with anything from L7's to another 5-4 on my lines. They started up a new step 6 league this season, which they initially tried to staff with L4 middles and 5-4's on the line, but I think they fairly quickly realised they were aiming too high and now tend to use full teams of 5-4's most of the time I've done that league recently.
Spartan South Midlands (for which i think @RustyRef will know more) have the following mandated;
L4s (or higher) on Step 5
L5s (or higher) on Step 6
There is no mandate for Step 7 but games are generally refereed by L5s and some L6s. (Same for Herts Senior County Prem which is also Step 7)
Spartan South Midlands (for which i think @RustyRef will know more) have the following mandated;
L4s (or higher) on Step 5
L5s (or higher) on Step 6
There is no mandate for Step 7 but games are generally refereed by L5s and some L6s. (Same for Herts Senior County Prem which is also Step 7)

Yes that's correct, although the L5s on the step 6 games must have passed the league fitness test.
Considering the steps are based primarily on facilities available, the disparity doesn't surprise me.

Around here, Step 7 covers the whole of the 3 Supply (county) league pool. Step 6 covers the Supply division of an inter County league and step 5 covers their Premier (Contributory) division.
Yep we have to have passed the Supply League AR Fitness Test, set at 2000m in 12 minutes to be considered.
A modest expectation. Fancy even I could haul my lard arse around 2K in 12 mins whilst eating a Big Mac
2000m in 12 mins?

If anybody at any level is not capable of that then (imo) they are not suitable to take to a pitch wearing a badge.
All very well saying serving the game and all that but if your taking a pay, then in return, there should be some very minimum standards set in return.