Footless Socks and LOTG

Monotone Whistle

Well-Known Member
Seen these things on pro players for a few seasons now, but they are starting to appear at grass-roots. If you are not aware, these are socks cut off around the ankle (there's probably a word for them), under which the player wears another pair of Trosox socks.

I'm noticing that a lot of these Trusox are a different colour (usually white) and give the impression of white sock tape or similar. Anyone else encountered this?

I had a team last week with about five players in red socks, all cut off at the ankle with normal white socks underneath. I asked them to pull the socks down to cover the white bits and got a load of moaning. Anyone else??
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A&H International
Get on with the game, needless aggravation over something the laws aren't explicit about.
I have also noticed the growing use of these "socks", and can be a pain for substitutions when operating at a decent level. I wouldn't imagine there is any health & safety reasons for players not to wear them. Personally, I ask for them to be removed, as it sets a precedence for white cotton socks over football socks, tape around the ankle etc.

Would be interested to hear the forum's views, however one thing is for certain - they look ridiculous!
This is where the technicality of the Laws are unhelpful.

Law 4 simply says
LOTG p22 said:
  • stockings – if tape or similar material is applied externally it must be the same colour as that part of the stocking it is applied to
As these are not applied externally and merely exposed by cutting off the end of the sock, there's nothing in the Laws to allow us to do anything about it at the moment. Not sure if that will change with the re-written Laws come into effect.
If it clashes with the other teams sock colour, I'd be doing something about it.....
Talk about creative refereeing. ;)

Now... is a sock without a foot still actually a sock (aka "stocking")? Or is it simply a calf sleeve...?
Meanwhile in the real world PL and FL referees are still wearing identical colour kits to the goalkeepers.
If that isn't a problem, not sure I can get too excited about a few centimetres of contrasting colour in the ankle area.
Ready to be tried, convicted and sentenced as LWR but I'll live with that!;)