Foul after offside


The avuncular one
Attacker is in an offside position. A team mate passes him the ball but before you can whistle a defender hacks the attacker down recklessly.

What do you do next?
A&H International
Caution the defender, DFK to attacking team.

I'm doing a lot of critical analysis work at the moment so I've applied that to your post. The facts are:

1 A passed the ball to a team mate.
2.The teammate has been fouled recklessly.

The unknowns are whether the player fouled touched the ball. I cannot say for certain he has, so benefit of doubt to attacker. Not yet offside, as standing in an offside position is not an offence.
The attacker in an offside position has touched the ball before the tackle comes in.
If you've not blown, you haven't stopped the game. In which case I'm giving the foul and the DFK (and probably a card). I'd justify to myself on the basis of penalising the most serious simultaneous offence. You probably are going with expectation here, but there will be some grief from the defenders so I might have a word with the captain to explain that the foul takes precedence.

If I have blown, that's more tricky - a bit like a foul after the ball has gone out of play (as discussed on a recent thread). I'm giving the card in this case (as it must have been late from your description) but the restart will be the IDFK for the offside. Tougher to manage though - and I'd probably speak to both captains if/when the outcry started.
If you've not blown, you haven't stopped the game. In which case I'm giving the foul and the DFK (and probably a card). I'd justify to myself on the basis of penalising the most serious simultaneous offence. You probably are going with expectation here, but there will be some grief from the defenders so I might have a word with the captain to explain that the foul takes precedence.

If I have blown, that's more tricky - a bit like a foul after the ball has gone out of play (as discussed on a recent thread). I'm giving the card in this case (as it must have been late from your description) but the restart will be the IDFK for the offside. Tougher to manage though - and I'd probably speak to both captains if/when the outcry started.
Lets not start talking about justification .........I have been trying that for the last 2 days to no avail .............................Thank you lol
Did the player who got hacked down become involved in active play? It doesn't sound like it. DFK and caution.