Open Age foul and abusive language need little help

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
hi all today before full time i gave a throw in but just as this player takes the throw a player from blue says something about my decision making on the line and then calls me a ***** i call over the referee and have him binned but the other lino thinks its not foul abusive and im wandering if it might been just yellow offence can people help i havent done my misconduct form yet
A&H International
Was it Offensive, Abusive or Insulting... to you, as a match official? There's the answer.

We all are on the receiving end of "foul" language, and tolerance levels naturally vary, especially as you progress.

Report what happened, what the player said, what you did, what happened after that.
You thought it OFFINABUS at the time, the ref agreed, go with that.

Don't worry too much about the other assistant. He is not you. :)
You found what he said to be to be offensive, abusive and insulting, it's as simple as that. Ignore what the other linesman thinks! :)
Looking back at my 1st game yesterday I could gave easily RC a player for OFFINAB but I don't know if it was directed at me or just in frustration at a decision. It was right in front if benches. Pulled him over YC for decent.
Right decision I think so as it calmed him down and didn't hear anything from him and we spoke after the game. Did anyone complain about my decision, no.
Did I manage the situation well, I think so.
I have disagreed with other refs decisions before but might raise it after the ame in passing and not objectively and certainly not during a game but dissent is down to personal tolerance so would never suggest like the guy has done with you.
Well yesterday I had the exact same team again but this time different player exact same sort of thing gives throw in to opposing team then the number 5 decides to say that did not go out lino then says you need to go to specsavers now I could had him on a yellow but then this week ref decides to just have a word as game was good tempo and teams was playing football so our match control was good and we saw it out to the end with no other problem