Foul or no foul


RefChat Addict
This is another of my series of foul/no foul dilemas from last season.
I have been mulling this over for some time and wondered what the rest of you think.

Ball is kicked from red's half into blue's. Red attacker runs for the ball and blue defender comes in as well. Blue defender then shoulder charges/barges red attacker away from the ball. The only thing is that the ball was a good 5-10m ahead of both players. Red player goes to the ground having been charged. I blow up for a foul. It clearly looks like a foul to me as the blue defender has looked straight at red as his shoulder went in. If the ball had been at either players feet I would have to say that while it wasn't pretty I would probably have allowed it as a fair challenge. As it was the ball was nowhere near either player.

Foul or no foul?

At the time, working on the basis that the ball was not within playing distance of either player I awarded an indirect free kick for impeding. I worked on the principle that the defending player had got in the way of the attacking player. However on reflection I wonder if I should have given a DFK for the charge and maybe called it a push, albeit with the shoulder.
Or should I have just let it go?
A&H International
By the way you have described it I think you got the foul right but I think DFK for charge. May be a word with the player about the charge.
I can always count on a decent response from you lot. Thanks a lot. So I was right to call a foul, I just should have given the DFK. Luckily I have enough bluff about me to sell IDFK without too much argument ;)
100x easier to sell as DFK. Plus, that's probably what it should have been too.
But yes, right to give a foul!