Game I was at


Well-Known Member
Was at a u14 match today and I was getting rather frustrated with the referee. Every time the ball went out if play, even for a basic throw in, he was blowing his whistle and then giving his decision. Then There were I think 5/6 free kicks excluding offside (not a rough game) for things like pushes and handballs, but for everyone he was putting his hand up I.e. He was giving An indirect free kick. However, on one of these free kicks, the ball went straight into the net. Should that have been a retake since he had his hand up, even although it should have been direct?
A&H International
well not putting your hand up for an indirect free kick and a player scoring direct is a retake

but if free kick was direct then i guess team that conceded goal could argue to ref that they assumed it was indirect , because of his signal...and so defended it differently

not sure that most u14's would think to argue that but some are more savvy than others...and coaches definitely are

interesting one - if your observations were correct, ref clearly needs some guidance tho difficult to imagine where it will come from unless coaches mention it in reports to their leagues

i guess you also have the option of asking the ref if he would like some feedback on his performance after the game has finished if you're confident about your people skills
I wouldn't bother offering feedback unless the referee was known to you, otherwise you just come across as one of those annoying, "I'm a referee..." type of spectators
I'm assuming from the o/p that the goal was given so the error is consequently compounded further

Goal was given. It should have been a DFK originally so no-one complained or dare I say even noticed his hand extended to the air except me and was wondering, if the conceding complained if he would have had to order a retake with correct signal.
As Brian said, if referee signalled an ifk, then an ifk it is. so had he been challenged on it i think he would have have had no option but to order a retake...and take all the possible flak that accompanied his decision.

given what you witnessed, i suspect any challenge would have completely flummoxed him.

i hope that one of the coaches commented on refereeing in a match report to league secretary tho i wouldn't imagine that many would bother (two years coaching/managing experience tells me this).

this is why i think that doing nothing in this case, as a concerned spectator, is not the most helpful option, for the sake of the referee in question, if nothing else
it is indeed, Dan

now i'm getting confused and increasingly t'eed off with this referee :)
Whoa, hang on. Why would it be a retake? If IDFK goes straight into the goal, it's a goal-kick, no?

He raised his hand to indicate indirect yet it was actually direct and he played on as if it was direct.

Page 131 of the LOTG, last paragraph under procedure is what is confusing me.

Under the LOTG if it was an IDFK but he didn't raise his hand then the kick is retaken if it goes straight in the net. I would therefore assume it would be the opposite way too as is the case her.

The fact that he raised his hand yet allowed a goal makes me think he didn't quite understand what he was giving.
i think it kind of depends on the ref knowing what he's doing, Micky

i guess that the lotg are working on the basis that you 'can't' score direct from an indirect free kick, regardless of what the referee does or doesn't indicate. the opposite, that you can score from a direct free kick, clearly doesn't in itself demand a retake from a footballing point of view so the referees arm movement/indication isn't relevant.......maybe :)

law 5 is possibly one that applies here

'the ref may only change a decision on realising that it is incorrect ... provided that he has not restarted play or terminated the match.

if you apply this to his 'decision' to incorrectly signal the direct free kick, he simply didn't realise that it was incorrect

bottom line, this ref is not going to improve without outside help, unless he re-reads the lotg, realises his error and applies the correct procedures moving forward

personally, i was hopeless at remembering to signal idk's when i started out. i'd like to think that i remember to do it just about every time now...but i wouldn't bet my mortgage on it