Open Age Game Today - Tough


Active Member
Just had my game today and it wasn't the best game in the world, we all have our own tolerance levels and mine is quite low I really couldn't care what most people say but there is a limit and one player wearing black/white crossed the limit. He wasn't happy with a tackle then turned round to me shouting and then starts to turn away and says "Ref you are a F****** Useless Blind C***" Well that' it I called him over and said "17 OFF" all of his senior team mates said he deserves it.
Now how do I word it in a misconduct form?

Also 5 mins before this happened a cautioned the red team keeper for handball outside of the box, at first my reaction was red card but then saw that he had 3 defenders running into position to stop a goal scoring opportunity. Well black/white team wasn't happy with that call. I told the keeper whats going on and he was happy with it he knew he did so paid the price.

Tackles going in everywhere and push in the back, well if I gave every push in the back there would be a free kick every 2 minutes I've been told only blow if it's really blatant.

Luckily I was paid before the start and made one of the quickest get a ways
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A&H International
With regards to the first part... 'On 16 minutes red 5 called me a 'f**cking useless blind c**t' (use the actual words here do not asterix) so I took his name and number and sent him from the field of play for s2 (not sure on code) using foul offensive and abusive language'

We all get games we aren't totally happy with but as long a you're sure you did everything the best you can then I say you walk away happy... Get the form sent off and move on
How do you word what?

If you mean what he said, then put it down exactly word for word. No need to sensor anything on your sending off report, in fact censoring it would be the worst thing you could do.

As far as the game goes, try and relax about it. Sure, think back over anything you thought you would like to have done better/differently. But everybody else involved would of forgot about it by tomorrow probably, so don't take anything personally.
I was happy with everything bar that incident so just relaxing now while doing the report. Move on to Wednesday's game on the line.
Who, when and what.
That's all the FA want now. They used to want to know where you were, where the incident took place etc.
Keep the report brief as there is now no right of appeal. It'll soon be like doing the caution forms.
Hi kam all you gotta do is say what time happened and exsactly what he said to you and record under foul and abusive
Just had my game today and it wasn't the best game in the world, we all have our own tolerance levels and mine is quite low I really couldn't care what most people say but there is a limit and one player wearing black/white crossed the limit. He wasn't happy with a tackle then turned round to me shouting and then starts to turn away and says "Ref you are a F****** Useless Blind C***" Well that' it I called him over and said "17 OFF" all of his senior team mates said he deserves it.
Definite red - well done for not allowing that sort of abusive language. Some great advice above. I would add that when showing cards, remember to get the players name (which you record along with a note about what he did and the time of the incident) tell the player what it is they are being sent off for - "number 17, whats your name? Use of offensive, insulting or abusive language, off you go." All delivered in as calm a manner as you can manage. Then no hanging about, get to your next position ready to get the game underway once the offending player is off and away from the field of play. Hanging about possibly invites further dissent. You may have actually done that, but just not posted it here.

Also 5 mins before this happened a cautioned the red team keeper for handball outside of the box, at first my reaction was red card but then saw that he had 3 defenders running into position to stop a goal scoring opportunity. Well black/white team wasn't happy with that call. I told the keeper whats going on and he was happy with it he knew he did so paid the price.
Sounds like a good call.

Tackles going in everywhere and push in the back, well if I gave every push in the back there would be a free kick every 2 minutes I've been told only blow if it's really blatant.
Pushing in the back - such a complicated part of the game when it is to do with challenging for the ball in the air. Trying to work out who is fouling who, is a player protecting his space or fouling an opponent - tricky. You need to have a good position and angle on the challenge and a slice of luck with this. To help yourself though, don't shy away from setting out your tolerances early on with giving a couple of free kicks for pushes. Let a few go early and players will just do it more increasing the temperature of the match. I am not a massive fan of the advice you have been given about only penalising blatant pushes - for me that invites problems, but that is just me.

Pretty much the same with tackles. If you have players flying in all over the place, you risk it snowballing and an incident occurring as a result, be it a reaction to a perceived bad tackle or a SFP revenge tackle (or the abusive reaction you describe above). If youre not happy with the types and numbers of challenges, consider "pulling down the shutters" for 10 minutes - that meaning greatly reduce your tolerance to tackles, giving free kicks for any borderline foul challenge. Calm everyone down. Some players might accuse you of ruining the game, but they will also be the first to complain if someone gets a nasty injury due to you allowing too many challenges. If they start to behave after 10 minutes, you can ease up again, let them play football.

We all have this type of game from time to time mate. Just keep in mind that all experience is valuable, we learn from it, we move on. Another game is just around the corner. :)
Not allowing referees to use asterisks on report is tantamount to abuse by the f.a.

Why should anyone who won't tolerate that kind of language then have to suffer the ignominy of having to write it down

Feckin f.a.!
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Actually....on that point....does that mean that if a player called you a ferkin kant, then you couldn't send him off as those two words are neither foul nor abusive?
Isn't the 'actual' term "offensive, insulting or abusive" (OFFINABUS)?

One could quite possibly take ferkin kant in the insulting category, I know a lot (most) referees would and as such would allow the person saying it to take an early bath.