Getting Pre Season Friendlies

Lewis Hart

New Member
Just a quick query : How do you guys go about finding fixtures to referee in pre season (July/Aug), and do you ever manage to get a friendly on the line?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
A&H International
Hi Lewis

In all honesty, getting pre-season friendlies is more down to who you know. From my experience, at Contrib/Supply level and above, lots of clubs have a contact in the county FA or referees' association that approach a friend/colleague of an appropriate level to referee the game. The referee then puts a team together for the game, frequently made up of his/her refereeing friends/colleagues.

At the local level, it might be worth sending a few emails out to league referees' secretaries, who are often approached by local Saturday/Sunday clubs for a referee.
It probably depends on what level you are refereeing at. From the tone of your question I assume you are at grass roots but apologies if my assumption is wrong. Most of my pre season friendlies come from direct contact from local teams who I have refereed in the past. If you're looking for games then local league or club websites often have posts looking for referees. Perhaps you could check websites or facebook pages for some of your local clubs.
Twitter is your friend Lewis ...

create an account, follow your local CFA (they will have a twitter account) - teams then tweet them, they share said tweet and bobs your uncle!

you'll also have teams that you've had a good league game for that keep your number and contact you out of season for games.

as said above, its all about who you know, not what you know