Glasses in the Rain


New Member
I wear glasses and have not yet had to deal with reffing in the rain. Looks like I may need to do that this weekend. Is it the done thing to wear a cap to stop the rain obscurng my vision?
A&H International
As a glasses wearer I feel your pain, but have recently bought some contact lenses. Is that doable?
I never used to, but took a while with the optician before I found a brand I could get on with
I have recently moved to contact lenses - not because of football, but wearing masks. I only wear my lenses when I am going out where I will need a mask or if it is raining and I am outside...
I wear contacts for a few things, including reffing. Alas, for night games at poorly lit fields I need to keep reading glasses with me, but I prefer that to just wearing the glasses. (I had worn soft lenses before, and stopped because my eyes didn't like it. An eye doc recommended trying the daily lenses that you only wear once. They work well for me.)
Loving all your replies folks - but back to my question. :)

If lenses aren't an option, have others worn a cap to keep the rain off their glasses?
Contacts all the way, guys. You just have to get over that initial barrier of getting used to putting them in & taking them out.

When I first got mine it used to take 10 mins to get them in. As soon as you find your technique it’s a matter of seconds. Plus once you get used to them on your eyes (approx 2 weeks) you’ll forget they’re in.

Fight through the initial strangeness of it and you’ll wonder how you did without them.
Contacts all the way, guys. You just have to get over that initial barrier of getting used to putting them in & taking them out.

When I first got mine it used to take 10 mins to get them in. As soon as you find your technique it’s a matter of seconds. Plus once you get used to them on your eyes (approx 2 weeks) you’ll forget they’re in.

Fight through the initial strangeness of it and you’ll wonder how you did without them.
Would love to but CP won’t allow it as dexterity is a problem for me.
Loving all your replies folks - but back to my question. :)

If lenses aren't an option, have others worn a cap to keep the rain off their glasses?

If it's the only way you can be sure of being able to see to referee correctly mate then you'd be opening yourself up to world of hassle if you didn't. 😉👍
Have you considered one of these?


Sure, it MAY draw a bit of stick from players and effect your match control initially, but as soon as they’re used to it’ll be plain sailing...
Contacts all the way, guys. You just have to get over that initial barrier of getting used to putting them in & taking them out.

When I first got mine it used to take 10 mins to get them in. As soon as you find your technique it’s a matter of seconds. Plus once you get used to them on your eyes (approx 2 weeks) you’ll forget they’re in.

Fight through the initial strangeness of it and you’ll wonder how you did without them.
It's a fair point, but not everyone can wear contacts for a range of reasons.

I do wear glasses, and in the rain - especially in low light - it can be a bit problematic. Mainly I just have to keep my concentration higher to ensure I'm in the best position and wipe them with a microcloth during breaks in play. I keep a tally of the number of times some brilliant comedian asks if I need windscreen wipers...
I wear glasses cannot wear contact lenses and always wear a cap in the rain. It’s plain black and does the job very well. I was observed on Saturday as part of my level 5 promotion and checked with the observer and he was fine saying nothing in the laws of the game that prevent a referee from wearing one too.