Going for Promotion 7-6



Ive been accepted onto the promotion scheme 2011-2012 . What can I expect with assesments ive only ever had an advisory assesment before will they be different to these.
A&H International
Varies with the type of assesor thb. Ive had some assesors this year go and introduce themselves to the teams and explain who they are, others who prefer to just stand in a corner and watch.

I had one not long ago, who i caught a glimpse of him with his back to the matcha nd he was chatting away with a spectator :/

But just dont be nervous, just go out there and ref like you do week in week out and itll all be fine
Thanks very much for the advice its always nerve racking to see them out there they stand out like a sore thumb lol
As an assessor myself I always prefers to introduce myself. Just relax though and ref as you normally do. If I get my Internet up this weekend I'll post some of my previous assessments I've written for you to see. Obviously with personal details removed
Whats the criteria for being promoted to 7-6 when you turn up at the match what do i need to get ticks in to be promoted. ( if that makes sense)
Just referee as you normally would. Keep the assessment team aware of your fixtures and any amendments as failure to do this won't work in your favour
What leagues are you reffing on? I may be able to pop over and take a look if you'd like?
But you live in Nottingham :S ?
Cambridgeshire County League
Peterborough and district youth league
Peterborough and district youth alliance
I've got family in Peterborough so pop by every now and again. Let me know some of your fixtures and I'll see what I can do
I usually have 3 matches over the weekend so if you let me know when your over this way ill let you know where I am going to be refereeing
Got a potentially "interesting" one ...
Walsoken United v Doddington United Res

Sat 05/03/11 15:00
Gorefield Playing Field

Wolf Lane, Gorefield, Wisbech, Cambridsgeshire PE13 4NE
Match Officials:
Andrew Wallace
Just got home from assessing a promising L7 and he done well my main talking point was that from every corner (18) he took up a position opposite the corner taker on the Goal line. I asked him why he had been doing this and he told me that someone who used to be an assessor told him that this is what he should be doing. I explained to him that when he goes on his IST they will tell him where an assessor will expect him to be and it wont be on the goal line . the old chestnut about seeing the ball crossing the line . I said to him in 999/1000 the ball will hit the back of the net. he was very gracious and a bit gutted as this was the 1st time he had tried this out and previously he was starting in the correct area.
I've applied for my 7-6 promotion this year and been told I'm "on the list". I've been told that my 20 games can include a maximum of 10 womens games (because apart from this promotion I rarely do mens games!). However, I've not had any other instructions about what the process is. Ross said above "Keep the assessment team aware of your fixtures", but I don't know who the assessment team are or how to contact them. Anyone know how the BBFA organises this?

A couple of other questions:
Do my 20 games start from 1-Mar or do only those games notified to the assessment team count?
I know my games as an Assistant (Womens Premier League & County League Cups) don't count in the 20 but should I let anyone (including the ref's assessor on the day) know about these?

Cheers for your advice,
Hi Andy, welcome to the site

I'd contact your RDO first, they should then advise who you'd need to keep updated.

As far as I'm aware, all games from 1st march will count towards your 20
Thanks Ross. RDO: "An email regarding all of this will be out in the next few days". Hopefully shouldn't have to wait much longer for it all to become clear...

Doing my 1st mens Sunday League game this weekend - think I may need to change my swearing tolerance level...!