Good Afternoon!

Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

names Charlie, im 23 from Essex. ill keep it brief! passed my course when i was 14, refereed for a coupkle of years and then decided to go back to playing! after around 7 years out and reffing the odd charity match for friends etc ive decided to blow the dust (metophorically, not literally...the old kit is a little tight) off the black uniform and return to the middle.

i have my FIFA Laws of the Game test on the 8th September and fingers crossed i pass, ill be off and running again - my aim is to work through the lvels as quick as i can, absorbing as much knowledge and help on the way!

i did say id keep it brief...seems i lied! look forward to getting to know you all!

A&H International
Welcome to the forum mate. It's a repository of useful, interesting or just crazy information and discussion.

thanks! ive been lurking as a guest for a while...ive already had half of my questions and thoughtsd answered just from flicking through posts!
Hi Charlie,

Welcome on board - good luck with the exam (the answer to the first question is always B!)
Kiss goodbye to your evenings! If you're like me you'll be at home refreshing the site until you see a new post!

Then of course you will read it and find out someone's ordered a coloured kit or someone wants to know about leniency for youth games....

You will then rinse and repeat until something new happens! :)

Welcome aboard to the most addictive, nut nut factory around :)