Good start to my 7-6 promotion period


RefChat Addict
Tomorrow should have been the start of my 7-6 promotion attempt, but I've just had to relinquish that appointment and turn down request to do two other games this weekend due to injury.

I think it's just a spot of runners knee, but luckily I am participating in a study that requires running and the guy running it has put me in touch with the university physio department, so I can get treated for free.

I hate letting people down, but I dended it's better to miss a game or two now, then soldier on and be out of action for months.
A&H International
Good call. Don't do games injured, it's a no win situation.

Hope it clears up quickly for you.
Cheers, it normally clears up on its own with a couple of weeks rest, but I'm going to take full advantage of access to free physio care.
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