Got my assesment report

Andrei Pintilii

New Member
Level 7 Referee
lol got my first assesment report sounds like this:

Promotion: L7 - L6

1. Application of Law.

Carried out correct pre-match requirements.

Good and sensible application of both Penal and Technical offences throughout and correctly restarted the Game.

Correctly distinguished between the types of offences.

Correctly dealt with substitutions and injuries.

Dealt with Offside correctly w ithout the help of Assistants.

2. Match Control.

Used a strong Whistle with clear Handsignals to effectively control the players. Gave a clear signal when applying Advantage.

3. Positioning, fitness and workrate.

His good fitness and ability to accelerate allowed him to cover the pitch and cover the duties of the Assistants he did not have. An excellent work rate.

Needs to get down closer to the Goal Line at Corner Kicks and Free Kicks into the Penalty Area to be better able to observe incidents and Goal scoring.

4. Alertness and Awareness (including management of stoppages)

Showed a good standard of alertness and awareness throughout the match. Managed the stoppages correctly and restarted play as quickly as was possible.

5. Communication.

Communicated well with the placers when required and was always positive in his actions.

6. Teamwork.

Assistants are not used in this Competition.

7. Advantage

Used sensibly throughout.


1.Has good knowledge and application of the Laws.

2.Used good management skills to control the players.

3.Has good fitness and acceleration.


Must look at his positioning for Corner Kicks and Free Kicks to obtain better observation.

i’m not going to get ****y i know it’s just the beggining but still great!
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