Greetings and salutations


New Member
Hello all,

I'm Mark half way through my course got exams this Sunday, quite a lot of stuff to cram into my head but enjoying it.
then onto some games looking forward to it but bricking myself at the same time.

been reading lots of stuff here especially like the 'first match' experiences made me realise you don't have to a robot to referee.

anyway bye for now.
A&H International
Welcome to RefChat. Good luck for the exam, although im sure you wont need it

Feel free to ask away if you have any questions
meltonman I passed my test last Thursday if you make sure you have read through your LOTG the test was not to difficult the test was 70 marks and the videos 30 you need a 75 to pass the videos are relativity easy but some of the challenges depend on opinion if you see it as careless reckless or excessive force (1 thing we were told was if the challenge makes you wince its more than likely a red). 1 question they said almost everybody on our course got wrong was regarding unauthorised markings on the FOP I wont say what the question is in case every county use the same test but just check up on disciplinary actions for unauthorised marks on the FOP.
The DVD test is awful. Its opinion and not fact (the challenges section) so very tough to get 100% but don't stress. You should pick.up 64+ on the written (it's 35 questions but 2 marks each) and then the DVD should be a breeze!

Exam is the least of worries. Its players (or parents in youth) you want to worry about

whats all this DVD stuff?! ahhhhh!

welcome to the forum! good luck with the ol' test shindig