Open Age Half time subs

anthony fitch

New Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi, in a match when the second half has started , you notice that one of the teams has made a sub without informing you. What should you, caution the player for entering the field without permission and the other player also for leaving?
A&H International
That would be correct by law.

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That's a hard one to answer, it should but depending on who you are refereeing, i.e young kids etc. maybe a little bit of 'Law 18' should prevail?

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Only ever had it happen once. The manager then called me over and advised that he had forgotten to advise me of the change. In truth, neither I nor my neutral ARs had thought to ask either. I could not justify cautioning both as I was also at fault. Had I asked, I would have been told. Called the sub off, checked his name and equipment and allowed him to play.
I always ask the skippers before kicking off the second half if there are any changes, as part of my counting the players again. Good habits to get into!
All's well that ends well. Make sure you mention that he must inform you next time, but if there are unlimited subs than it can't be a bother or a hurt. You'll end up making more enemies than friends by cautioning for that. "Does the game need it?" is always the question before a caution. In this case, probably not.