Handball decision??

Conor Murphy

New Member
Level 5 Referee
Had this incident last night in a game

This happened in the penalty area, opposing player hit a shot, defending Players arms are in a cross pattern on his chest to protect himself from being hit there by the ball, and the ball then hits those stationary crossed arms and bounces off, is that a handball?

Is his a handball, penalty or no action play on?
A&H International
Although you could probably argue that as he's put his arms there to block the ball, this is a textbook 'deliberate' action, there's no way on earth I'd be giving this, and with both arms within the frame of the body, I doubt very much that the players would be asking for it.

On the other hand (get it!?), if he was moving his hands or arms towards the ball in a manner that would affect the flight of the ball (for example flicking his elbow out to knock the ball in a particular direction), I'd have no hesitation in giving it.
The hands where crossed before the ball struck the player and the ball hit clean on the centre of the chest, so for me the hands didn't do any different than what would of happened.. But then the hands are in an unnatural position

Tough one
If the player was protecting himself then the arms aren't in an unnatural position.....
If it was a woman yes, for a man I'd lean towards no.

However, if his hands were across his chest before the ball was kicked and was close enough that he couldn't move out of the way then i don't think this can be considered a deliberate act
if the ball would otherwise have hit his chest anyway, no offence, play on.

hands being across his chest are fine for me as it is one of the ways players show the ref they are trying to tuck their hands in away from any potential shot/cross related ball to hand contact etc.
if the ball would otherwise have hit his chest anyway, no offence, play on.

hands being across his chest are fine for me as it is one of the ways players show the ref they are trying to tuck their hands in away from any potential shot/cross related ball to hand contact etc.

Totally agree and wave on is exactly what i done but the manager what nuts at me
There's not a lot they can do about that IMO. Play on and shout the inevitable shouts away.

No hands there = hits chest anyway.
Age/skill level? How far off was the shot, and did the player have visiblity the whole time? I presume it was hit with some force?
these are all relevant.
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ifr the hands arms were not in the way and the ball would have hit another part of the body no way should a penalty kick be given