handball is an offence ref!


The avuncular one
Had another funny one today. The second goal of my game had an appeal for handball when a shot from an attacker hit a defender and at short range bounced against another attacker who then shot and scored. The defenders felt it was handball - I was unsure what it had hit as it happened very quickly - either way you are screwed here; one side or the other is going to be angered. I wasn't sure what I had seen, didn't look like hand or arm, and I was in a decent position to see it, unobstructed view etc.

As I hadn't seen the handball and if it did hit a hand it was never deliberate, I allowed the goal.

Funnily enough, the defenders discounted the fact I had not actually seen the handball. Still had one hell of a job explaining that even if it had hit his hand/arm, at that range and speed it was never deliberate. Apparently it doesn't matter if it is deliberate or not! These are grown men here. I said "handball in itself is not an offence, you know it has to be deliberate handball for it to be an offence don't you?" Cue much teenager styled "deliberate! deliberate! it is handball! You have to give it if it hits a hand"

Someone get onto the IFAB and get the rules changed!
A&H International
I didn't need to, I picked out the mouthiest offender and called him and his captain over and gave him the "you're tap dancing on thin ice speech". Did the trick
It was and I learnt loads about the laws of the game that I was unaware of.

For instance; A little later in the same game a player caught the ball. Freekick. Apparently deliberate handball is a straight red sending off offence. Any of you guys know that?
I had a cracker the other day, was AR on a game when a player clearly uses his arm to stop the ball. As the ref gives the free kick he shouts "it can't be handball, I hit it with my elbow on purpose". Cue yellow card and much laughter.
Players are funny sometimes.

In my game today red 3 goes flying in, takes down yellow 7 in a cruncher who stays down and doesn't move.Definate yellow, possible red.

I call over Red 3 and straight away his defence is 'I went for the ball ref', I said 'I don't dispute you went for the ball but it was reckless at best and you didn't touch the ball'.

I did chuckle when with pained facial expression and arms open he retorts 'yeah, but I tried to'.

Oh that's ok then, just let the player with one leg on the ground know you wanted the ball and I'm sure he'll be fine.
I had a "qualified ref" playing last week who told me that you have to give the handball if they gain an advantage. "It's in the rules!" I said, "Come and show me after the game, prove me wrong and I will give you my match fee back." Funnily enough, I never saw him after the game ;-)
I learnt today that it is ok for a 'keeper to catch the ball outside of his area as long as he 'thought he was inside the area'.

and I was told once that GK handling the ball outside the box is an "automatic red cad";) even backed it up with the "I know a referee and he said the same" line

Leicester vs Liverpool - sterling runs through, into the box, falls over and handles the ball as he lands on it.

Cue Michael Owen: "that was a deliberate handball. He could have had a caution for that".

No you clown. Just no. Deliberate handball a caution? At least he stopped short of telling us accidental handball was an idfk!

What hope do we have of educating current players when ex-internationals and current commentators know very little about the laws of the game.
and I was told once that GK handling the ball outside the box is an "automatic red cad";) even backed it up with the "I know a referee and he said the same" line

I had this in my first open age game. Keeper slide out handled it. Never a red as the player was going away from goal and would have been lucky to get the ball. But yellow card and free kick none the less the CAR proceeded to tell me a goalkeeper handling the ball outside the box was a straight red card "they'd changed the rules that week, it's been all over the news." At half time he told me I'd bottled it. Weirdly that game I bottled a lot of stuff and had a pretty terrible game, but that was one decision I was happy with!