Open Age Has justice been served?

Is a two game ban the right decision?

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Referee, Observer, Mentor, Player
Level 5 Referee
On Boxing day, I refereed a local fixture. There were two incidents which each resulted in red cards. For the purpose of this thread, Attacking team is Red, defending team is Blue.

Midway through second half, Red player bundles over Blue player just inside Blue teams penalty area. I blow up and cosider whether to caution the player. Game has been good so far and it's his first offence so he gets a telling off... 5 minutes later, same Red player again bundles over blue player on the halfway line where it meets the touchline. Blue player falls on the ground and has blood seeping from his nose. The challenge itself was a cautionable offence.

I call the player over, no response. I make another 4-5 attempts and he walks over to me, muttering and swearing under his breath. I take my book out, I tell him he had his warning and is now about to be cautioned for the challenge. I write the details in the book and ask for his name. He doesn't give it to me. I ask him again 4-5 times, he then gives it to me. By this time I'm quite fed up and annoyed... As I pull the yellow card out, he then strikes my hand in an attempt to knock the cards out of my hand... That's enough now. I advise him that his caution stands and will now receive a red card and that he's to leave the field.... The story on this player will continue shortly...

As I bring the red card down, I hear the word that rhymes with bunt from behind me. A team-mate of the Red player then walks from behind me, around and in front of me, just verging inside my "personal space".... "Bunt, bunt, bunt, are you going to send me off now, Ref? you bunt, bunt....." You get the drift. I ask the players name, which he gives straight away and tell him to follow his mate, not before I tell him that was completely uneccesary and that he's just let his team-mates down..

As he's following the first player up, I resume the game.

I then get reports after the game that the first player player I sent off decided to pull out a metal post (the ones that hold rope) from the cricket square boundary. He starts hitting the ground with it before throwing it and continuing up to the changing rooms. He then decided to go all Mike Tyson on them, punching and kicking the doors, putting a hole in the changing room door in the process (It was a brand new door, only fitted two weeks prior). He was then removed from the area, just after being slapped across the chops by his angry mother!! (He was about 21-22, so that must have been rather embarrassing).

Now, I've just checked to see what ban they've each received.... 2 games each!! So, a yellow and a straight red, then another straight red. For me as a player, if I'd have done that, I'd have expected a heftier ban than that! Obviously I don't like seeing players banned but surely this is quite lenient?

A&H International
It isn't a sufficient ban IMO. Foul & Abusive Language needs to be stamped out at this ban isn't long enough to do that. The player who had his tantrum should have got longer than that after damaging property. Did you submit a second misconduct report about that?
2 games for bunt-ing is consistent with other bans I've seen

When I experience the hitting-of-the-hand - player got 6 game ban

I don't think the stuff you didn't see (metal post, kicking doors, etc.) would be considered
Yeah, there was a misconduct report filed from myself along with a letter from the home club. I was just speaking to a fellow referee, much more experienced than myself at this level down here, he said he'd have expecting the tantrum dudes ban as 2-3 matches, but the parrott guy to have at least 5.

It just doesn't fit the crime, so to speak.
what a bunty decision!

I don't think it is enough personally, but as @Alex71 said - it does fall in line with other similar scenarios
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Yeah, there was a misconduct report filed from myself along with a letter from the home club. I was just speaking to a fellow referee, much more experienced than myself at this level down here, he said he'd have expecting the tantrum dudes ban as 2-3 matches, but the parrott guy to have at least 5.

It just doesn't fit the crime, so to speak.

Sorry it happened to you ... it's just one of those things ... an honest miss-timed (poor) tackle would often get the same ban as an intentional solid punch / head-butt (both 3 games) ... when it comes to length of ban - we are just witnesses for the prosecution - not the judge or jury!
I wasn't phased by any of it, I was just surprised. I've been playing football since leaving school 12 years ago, I've never witnessed anything like that before. I'm a man of morals you see, if I see one of my team-mates being daft like that, I'd run straight up and pull him away from the situation. In this case, I'd have told the first guy to stop being an idiot then given the referee his name myself.

I completely understand that we have no input in the length of the ban and I'm appreciative of that fact. I just think to stand point blank and act like that in front of a match official is completely intolerable and should be treated quite seriously. Like I said, I'm not looking for anyone to get banned longer than neccessary but this isn't (in my own opinion) enough for the disrespect shown.

It was a great shame because the game was a good one up to and after that incident.
Standard punishment for s6 is 2 matches, however I believe that if it is directed at an official it is supposed to be 3 but have never seen a CFA implement this.
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Anyone fancy a pint? :p
Local referees did just that between Christmas and New Year. One got home at 6 am minus phone, passport and provisional licence.

Back on topic. Unfortunately what constitutes offensive, seriously offensive and very seriously offensive seems to have slipped in the last couple of seasons. Player told me to F*ck off at least 3 times during his departure and then approaching me using an aggressive posture and tone of voice in the car park after the game ... got one game extra on top of his sending off.
Terrible decision tbh ! 2 matches ? Nearly every ground I have been to has a massive poster about foul and abusive language ! It's one thing assessors drum into you, don't let them swear at you ! Send them off! So is a 2 match ban and 30 quid much of a deterant ? It appears not