Having problems with the same team over and over


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
As many of you know I mainly referee youth football and this season I've come across a club I've had several issues with, over a couple of their teams. The under 11, 12 and 13s.

First game of the season I had two misconduct reports firstly about a comment their manager made about making a revenge foul after his boy was fouled. At the end of the game I also had an incident where a slightly threatening remark was made to me about a parent of a lad who I book.

Later in the season I've had their u13 team who are managed by a fairly unlikeable couple of guys. Half time came and they sat around in their changing room for ten minutes after I'd been calling them out for the second half for a fairly long period of time. They then came out and were fairly arrogant and making comments about how referees acting like that is reason why the English game is in the state it is. Truthfully I'm not 100% sure what they were even trying to imply. I refereed a couple of games that day and ended up being under paid, which although a problem we eventually sorted, but a pain none the less.

Had the u13's again today and exactly the same half time. Sitting around on the pitch conducting their team talk. Again I blew after 5 minutes to start and they sat around again, wasting more time. During the game they had a couple of shouts for handball I turned down. One ended up being a goal which their CAR manically flagged for, but I personally thought it was chest rather than hand, so let the goal stand, so I wasnt very popular with them. End of the game one of their managers who was a level 6 ref of course told me half time has to be 15 minutes, although interestingly that changed to 10 minutes during the course of our conversation. But I was fairly sure it was 5 minutes and when I got back to my bag and checked the handbook on my phone I was right, so pleased with that but annoyed by his attitude. Then as I was collecting my bag I had a parent come and moan about the hand ball decisions and asking why if their CAR was flagging I wouldnt give it. I explained he was there to assist with ball in and out of play and offsides only. She carried on moaning at me more and has earnt her team a misconduct report.

But I was really wondering what action would you guys suggest taking? I'm going to feedback all of these incidents to the referee secretary for the league as I think he should know and also he knows there has been issues I had with them at the start of the season. I just thought first time it was one of those days, but it just seems that time and time again the problems I'm having are with this club. I dont want to sound like a cry baby saying I dont want to referee them etc, but in the handful of games I've done for them its ended up being quite a few misconduct reports. I'm also wondering how much impact would communicating this to the referee secretary make, or will I just look like some moany old ref! Any advice welcomed!
A&H International
what league are these teams in?

all incidents that you wish to comment on should be reported to the ref sec for the league in your match reports. (misconduct reports, like cautions and sendings off should be referred to in match reports but not discussed)
As many of you know I mainly referee youth football and this season I've come across a club I've had several issues with, over a couple of their teams. The under 11, 12 and 13s.

First game of the season I had two misconduct reports firstly about a comment their manager made about making a revenge foul after his boy was fouled. At the end of the game I also had an incident where a slightly threatening remark was made to me about a parent of a lad who I book.

Later in the season I've had their u13 team who are managed by a fairly unlikeable couple of guys. Half time came and they sat around in their changing room for ten minutes after I'd been calling them out for the second half for a fairly long period of time. They then came out and were fairly arrogant and making comments about how referees acting like that is reason why the English game is in the state it is. Truthfully I'm not 100% sure what they were even trying to imply. I refereed a couple of games that day and ended up being under paid, which although a problem we eventually sorted, but a pain none the less.

Had the u13's again today and exactly the same half time. Sitting around on the pitch conducting their team talk. Again I blew after 5 minutes to start and they sat around again, wasting more time. During the game they had a couple of shouts for handball I turned down. One ended up being a goal which their CAR manically flagged for, but I personally thought it was chest rather than hand, so let the goal stand, so I wasnt very popular with them. End of the game one of their managers who was a level 6 ref of course told me half time has to be 15 minutes, although interestingly that changed to 10 minutes during the course of our conversation. But I was fairly sure it was 5 minutes and when I got back to my bag and checked the handbook on my phone I was right, so pleased with that but annoyed by his attitude. Then as I was collecting my bag I had a parent come and moan about the hand ball decisions and asking why if their CAR was flagging I wouldnt give it. I explained he was there to assist with ball in and out of play and offsides only. She carried on moaning at me more and has earnt her team a misconduct report.

But I was really wondering what action would you guys suggest taking? I'm going to feedback all of these incidents to the referee secretary for the league as I think he should know and also he knows there has been issues I had with them at the start of the season. I just thought first time it was one of those days, but it just seems that time and time again the problems I'm having are with this club. I dont want to sound like a cry baby saying I dont want to referee them etc, but in the handful of games I've done for them its ended up being quite a few misconduct reports. I'm also wondering how much impact would communicating this to the referee secretary make, or will I just look like some moany old ref! Any advice welcomed!
If you keep reporting them to the County FA for misconduct, then eventually the cost both in terms of disciplinary points and fines will mount up. If you are working on a Respect League, then report this to the Respect Officer. I would also make the Referee Appointments Secretary aware. You say you checked the handbook and found that half time was 5 minutes but they stretched it past that time, then advise them they will be reported to the league for a breach of competition rules.

With regard to the Appointments we have a practice round our way where if a team complains about a referee and a referee has a problem with a team, they keep meeting up ... almost by accident ... until the team starts to behave themselves. Maybe your Appointments Sec works to the same principle.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll make a few phone calls today to try and sort things out.

@Brian Hamilton i see the logic in constantly being paired with a team to get things sorted. This weekend was a chance meeting as very late one team folded meaning this match was moved very late, so not done by the refs sec. But I don't really want to say I want to avoid them, as I don't think that helps. But on the other hand I do just volunteer and coming away needing to write misconduct reports and getting some form of abuse each time isn't exactly fun.

@haywain this league doesn't require me to provide any match reports after the game. Only confirm score if I'm asked to.
During the course of a season it is likely there will be one team you come across more than others. I always take the view that is a new game, and what has happened before is on the past. If the team wishes to bring up the past, then let them get on with it. You just carry on officiating as well as possible, and take any action necessary during the game. Once a team gets to know you and know what you tolerance levels are, you may well be pleasantly surprised at how easy they are to referee.
I have just abandoned a match due to a spectator threatening players with violence and continuing verbal threats from the home team toward the away team, after i sent a home player off for violent conduct. I am actually looking forward to reffing the next match between theses two sides which will be next season now but i'm a patient man. Why? am i looking forward to it, because the players,managers and spectators DO know what they are letting themselves in for........ a referee that won't take any **** from anyone......bring it on :)