"He caught the ball!"


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
So greens v blue. Blue on the attacked, rides a couple of challenges and I'm in a perfect position to see the green defenders around him making tackles for possible pens. Players flooding into the box, and blue gets his shot away on the edge of the six yard box and the keeper makes a great save. A couple of players run through my direction of vision and the ball is hoofed out the box.

Cue screams of hand ball from the blues players, fans and management. I've not see it, AT ALL. All the blues are saying the defender essentially caught the ball after it rebounded off the keeper. In that moment two players run through my field of vision I missed it. I've never seen player protest so convincingly!

Halftime I spoke to a couple of people who said it was completely and utterly 100% a pen. Apparently the lad even had his head in his hands once he'd done it. The blues manager, very politely I might add, asked me about why I hadn't given it and I said I just hadn't seen it and by all accounts I'd dropped a real clanger and all I could do was apologies.

I was completely gutted as it's the only time I've had had an incident I haven't seen. So cannot justify getting it wrong. The only saving grace in my mind was blues won 3-1, so glad my error didn't cost them a result.
A&H International
@Ryan Owens from what I was hearing this is almost what happened. Although I think the player in my game only touched the ball for a fraction of a second!