

RefChat Addict
I'm Darius - bet you didn't see that coming from my username!

I'm a Level 6 atm, trying my hardest to make a double jump to 4 this year!' - but I know that's a touchy subject on here! I get it it's hard!

I do Supply League lines on West Yorkshire League (and middles further down) as well as Bradford Sunday Alliance, amongst other leagues.

Anyway that's me, look forward to discussing stuff with everyone! I'm quite opinionated however!

Happy Reffing!
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A&H International
Hi Darius,welcome to the forum. Good bunch of lads on here, although like all gatherings of referees, discussion and debate are frequent on nearly everything related to refereeing!

Feel free to get stuck in mate.
I've been reading for weeks....

I will know I'm accepted when I do the following....

1. Get a lecture from Padfoot for something
2. Get a factual one line put down that loses me an argument from Brian Hamilton
3. Take a thread off topic ;-)
Yes absolutely. Knowing my weaknesses and being honest is improving my game. Meaning come next year I'll hit ground running
If you and the county think you're ready then that's great. But there is no harm having a season at level 5.
My expectation is for that to happen.

However I also refuse to not make them make the decision!
My expectation is for that to happen.

However I also refuse to not make them make the decision!
Go steady DB. County FAs have been given permission to consider availability, administration and fitness as well as club marks and assessments marks before putting anyone forward for L4 this season. The reason being that there are now too many L4s for the number of games available.
Oh I know. This season is all about preparation. It will either take me to 4 or it will set me up to go to 4 the season after :)

Think big and positive :)