Help: Canadian Ref moving to London


RefChat Addict
A friend of mine became a referee here in Ontario at the start of this season (April) and is moving to London (somewhere near Milwall/Fulham/Chelsea area as I understand it) for a year or so for school stuff.

He's interested in continuing his refereeing while he's over there, and has put in (at this end) for a referee transfer to the English FA. Last night, he was asking me what steps he would need to take at the English end in terms of finding a referee society (something new to him as we have very few of those over here now :( ) and assignors/etc.

Can anyone give me some assistance on this front?
A&H International
Bloody immigrants. coming over here stealing our jobs. Vote UKIP I say .... :rolleyes::)

And couldn't he find a nice part of the country?! Has anyone warned him about the Milwall fans ?? :)
I suggest your friend contacts the London FA, in particular the Referees Development Department. Their phone numbers are
+44 20 7610 8375 or +44 20 7610 8362. They should have all the necessary information about leagues, appointments secretaries (assignors) and referees associations (societies).
@AlexF Tell him to contact Andy Porter or Adrian Shorter. The RDOs are great and London look after their refs. If coming for school he may be able to join one of the academies who promote the development.

Also the monthly Ref Mastermind meetings at Pimlico Academy are priceless.

Send me a PM and i'll formwar my contact details, and those of those he'll need to speak to - maybe able to give them a heads up so he's expected.