Hi all

Karl Atherton

New Member
Hi all,
I'm 32. I've just completed the basic referee course. And I've reffed 8 games so far. I've just joined my local RA. I have many questions and topics I wish to discuss. Can't wait to get started. Just a bit short on time really as I have a full time job (at least 50 hours per week), I'm studying for a HNC in mechanical engineering part time at college. Plus I have 2 small children. And I play golf and go to the gym and I'm training for a 10k run as well! Never see my missus!
A&H International
Welcome to the forum, Karl! Always good to see some new referees coming on. It sounds to me like you're the kind of chap who goes big or goes home. I'm quite the same. Good to have you on.
Hello & welcome.
Friendly bunch of people on here. No one bites (apart from the odd incident). Only joking.

Congratulations on doing completing your course.
Alright Karl, I saw you at the RA meeting. Good luck. This is a good place for asking questions your not quite sure of, even if you think it sounds stupid, just ask same as the RA.

Have you decided on your leagues for next season yet
Alright Karl, I saw you at the RA meeting. Good luck. This is a good place for asking questions your not quite sure of, even if you think it sounds stupid, just ask same as the RA.

Have you decided on your leagues for next season yet

Hi Paul,

I'm going to go with Bolton Bury for next season. It's not ideal but I can't get time to do Saturday afternoons and/or Sunday mornings due to child care (wife working weekends). So the only spare time I have at the moment is Saturday morning.

Derek got in touch with me and said I need to do Adult Leagues if I want promotion, but I'm going to have to do Juniors for the next season at least.