How about a 'Go watch a Refchat ref' month?

Blimey, more essex based referees than you could shake a stick at!

So, does anyone know an easier way of finding out which ref chat members are from which county other than trawling through the members list or starting a thread?

Don't think the search thingy can do it but I may be wrong

Im also a bit short on Kent Referees , I can see Dave , but that's about it so far , Ross , can you please check your directory and inform me

No easy way unfortunately. I can run a query directly on the database, there's a chance I could break stuff so will do it over the weekend when I've got more time to fix it if things go wrong :p
A&H International
It fine Ross honest , im really not that bothered , ill meet them all eventually on here as im becoming a geek
I can myself remember at least 5 guys who were fairly regular posters here who were Kent. refdave83 is one guy I remember off the top of my head, gave me some advice when I joined my first OA league last year.
Curse the down pour in essex last night meaning both my games being called off and my chance to meet @Charlie Jones and call his mum a sket ruined!
@DaveMac the weather around here was awful - my pitch was borderline, if it was any worse it wouldn't have played. Curse the winter weather, ruining football...and your opportunity to call @Charlie Jones 's mum a sket :D
I've lost 3/5 so far, if tomorrow is on then that's 2/5 surviving the weather and £64 lost
@HarryD @DaveMac oh guys, what wonderful weather we've had! i fortunatly got my game rescheduled to a 3G court at the very last minute in Canvey! good game in the end, bit fiery in areas and your typical gobby striker!
Nobody's going to be watching me for a while, other than the physio inflicting pain.

Damn sprinkler holes!!
If there is anyone who wants to hit the south coast for a scenic view then by all means watch me. But be warned when I'm being watched I rarely finish with 22!