How are the pitches looking?

Nothing off for me yesterday. I've been lucky this weekend and I've currently got today off, although I did pick a game up and 12:00 last Sunday for a 2PM KO
A&H International
Had to abandon my first game today, I was supposed to be playing at 10:15 but they called off when we got there so I picked up a game at 10:30 got there the pitch was fine apart from the goal areas which were frozen solid, I asked the coaches if they wanted to try their players walking on it trying to churn it up, after about 15 minutes they weren't getting any better so I told them that I wasn't happy with it and that I was abandoning the game. Both were understanding, the teams wanted to play but it was too dangerous, and the parents started moaning that it was up playable, then when I called it off, they said it was fine. You just can't win :confused:
I will say the ground I was on is known for waterlogging but the pitches were perfect to play on.
Had a game at 10:30, arrived and the pitch was frozen but the sun was coming out. Delayed kick off for 15min and did a final inspection...

Gave the game the all clear and then it definitely started to defrost because it turned the sludge in the last 5 minutes...
Good game though
Played this morning, kick off was 10:30, our ref checked the middle of the pitch (which was fine) and then didn't bother with the goalmouths/sides of the pitch. Told him about it but he seemed to be perfectly happy to play it. Came back with all manner of scratches on my knees... If it had been delayed until about 11:15 I think we'd have been fine. :mad:
Supply League assessment off - waterlogged field.
Local council closed all fields for the weekend because they were waterlogged - Sunday League game off.
Picked up late backword for a County Cup game this afternoon but field inspection revealed it was frozen solid.

Not a good weekend.
I have to admit that (not that its affected me) I don't really see the difference between a frost covered pitch and one at the start of the season (after a dry summer). Both will scrape your legs.
Frosty pitches are often more slippery than dry ones, and at least with a dry pitch you know it's consistent across the whole pitch & players can wear Astros, whereas on a frozen pitch you're going to have some parts frozen and some not, so there's no obvious footwear choice. There's probably some other technical reason which the more suitably qualified can inform me of
Going to throw this in here for advise/criticism.

On Saturday I got a call from the general manager of my local (Conf South) team of who I'm a season ticket holder. He knows I'm a referee and often asks how I'm getting along when we bump into each other at matches. Our first teams game was binned due to a waterlogged pitch but the manger had arranged a very last minute friendly against another, few steps lower, team on our 4G surface. He asked me if I'd like to referee the match for them. I jumped at the chance and went and did it. Game went fairly well with nothing major for me to deal with, except adapting to the much faster pace than I'm used to. I thought it went well and was pretty pleased with myself.

However talking in the pub later on Saturday night to a former (retired) local ref he said that no way should I have done that game as it was so far above my level. On reflection I think he's 100% right, but I just wonder if anyone here has any other input or thoughts?

Like I say it was a very last minute friendly match and it went with no incidents, but after my chat I'm left with lots of 'what/ifs' and will I get into a sh*tload of bother if it gets back to County?
I see no issue with you doing it. It was a light hearted match, I am not aware of any rules preventing certain levels refereeing friendlies involving certain teams, you were asked by the manager of the bigger team so there's no problem.
You are not allowed to do the game.

If anything happens that ends up back at FA or County, you will end up in serious bother.

You can run the line in that game, no problem! However, for ALL friendlies, there must be an official who officiates at that level (so, Conf South teams, game must be done by L3 or higher as L3 run the lines)
As I (subsequently) thought. Cheers Dan for the answer.

Head will be kept firmly down from now on.
Played this morning, pitch was fine when the game started, but by the end it was on the verge of unplayable. (Rained all the way through). Game after it called off.
I had one of the few games on in Pembrokeshire, the pitch was awful though. In fairness it was a Division Four game so had we been playing on a bowling green I doubt the teams would have played better but it was ver heavy on the legs.