How many of you...


Well-Known Member
How many of you have experienced a 0-0 draw at sunday league level? I had my first one today - couldn't quite believe it!!
A&H International
I have had a few over the years, not many though. Goalless games often require a higher level of concentration, particularly in the ten minutes or so.
Ive had quite a lot in my years. Had 2 in a row once
Hell, last summer I played in three in a row (as GK), and then ref'd two more during that stretch.
I've had a few. Probably not as many as I would have thought though.

One that sticks in the mind was a preseason game where the shooting on display was woeful. Late in the second half I had half a mind to push a ****eyed striker out the way before he could shoot and have a go myself... I didn't though and he sent it high, wide and handsome as expected. :)
At my level (mostly youth and Ladies) very rare indeed, would have to check my records but can only remember one in 12 years
In 6 years of refereeing i have never had a 0-0 result, and i think i've had about three score draws