How to correct red card


Well-Known Member
OA game at the weekend. Incident behind my back early on which resulted in both teams coming together including subs and coaches etc. Didn't see one punch thrown, it was mainly verbal's. I did however threaten to abandon the game as they weren't responding to my whistle or voice to break it up. The threat to abandon worked however.

After this I was determined to stamp out as much as possible which resulted in 4 sin bins, 3 yellows and 3 reds by the end of the match spread pretty evenly across both teams. No complaints either after the match.

However, I've got one of the reds wrong and would like to correct it, I've already submitted this on the WGS.

Situation was, a goal mouth scramble, a number of unsuccessful attempts at goal stopped by keeper and defenders and so on. Eventually keeper was on the floor, shot went over him towards top corner. Defender dives, sticks his hand out in an attempt to stop the ball. His hand did touch the ball which then ended up going in the goal anyway.

I didn't award the goal, instead I awarded a penalty and issued a red card for the player that hand balled it. I convinced myself I was right but looking at the laws now convinced that it was a yellow at worst with the goal being allowed. (The penalty was scored by the way).

I'm now feeling guilty at a player getting a fine and a ban and would like to correct this but have no idea how to.

Any clues or do I leave it?
A&H International
Contact your local CFA they will sort that for you . Can I ask why you disallowed the goal and gave a penalty ?
I thought I was correct in law in doing so at the time. I had 2 things in my mind. Firstly was a post on here where a similar thing happened which was debated on and a few said strictly speaking the referee was right to disallow the goal after deliberate hand ball and to send off the offending player and award a penalty. Secondly, I let the emotion of the game affect my decision. As in, I was annoyed (maybe not the right word) at the behaviour of most of the players earlier on and throughout the match and even though I could've just allowed the goal I thought no, spirit of the game or not I must do it technically right. On reflection, I should've just allowed the goal and maybe gave a caution for the deliberate hand ball. Not proud of correct it wrong but want to correct this if I can
The correct answer is to contact your CFA, but from your description, I don't think they'll overturn the ban. Because you disallowed the goal and gave a penalty, the red card then becomes the correct decision. Had you sent him off AND allowed the goal, then it would have been a mistake that could have been overturned, but I suspect they'll view this as correct (if not best practice) and uphold the card.
I thought I was correct in law in doing so at the time. I had 2 things in my mind. Firstly was a post on here where a similar thing happened which was debated on and a few said strictly speaking the referee was right to disallow the goal after deliberate hand ball and to send off the offending player and award a penalty. Secondly, I let the emotion of the game affect my decision. As in, I was annoyed (maybe not the right word) at the behaviour of most of the players earlier on and throughout the match and even though I could've just allowed the goal I thought no, spirit of the game or not I must do it technically right. On reflection, I should've just allowed the goal and maybe gave a caution for the deliberate hand ball. Not proud of correct it wrong but want to correct this if I can
I used to officiate golf tournaments. The extended rule book in golf was >1000 pages
In my experience of learning, there's a phase in which we can confuse complexity with basics. So it sounds like you knew the Law, but an in depth discussion (on the forum) on a related topic messed you up
Also, it sounds like a challenging game which wound you up. It's very difficult, but anytime our emotions start to slip, the game will inevitably follow suit
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I've emailed CFA. Team could argue of course if they agree the red card was incorrect that the game should be replayed as this was towards the end of the first half. Could be a huge can of worms I'm opening here.
I've had a similar situation several years back where I hit the whistle far too quick in a charged game where it was a handball on the line, then watched in agonising slow motion as the ball plopped in the back of the goal. What I'd have done for that extra second back. Alas, you've still made the judgment call of DOGSO, red card, penalty (which is the appropriate sanction if you've started down that road) - though CFA may well overturn the ban.

Don't beat yourself up about it - you've recognised what could have been handled better, and can use this experience if it happens again.

Takes balls to admit an error, and mistakes happen. We've all dropped a bollock.

Head up for the next game! Good luck this weekend, and we're all here for support and banter x
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I've emailed CFA. Team could argue of course if they agree the red card was incorrect that the game should be replayed as this was towards the end of the first half. Could be a huge can of worms I'm opening here.
I think the card will be rescinded personally, but there's no chance of a replay
Firstly was a post on here where a similar thing happened which was debated on and a few said strictly speaking the referee was right to disallow the goal after deliberate hand ball and to send off the offending player and award a penalty.
Are you sure? I'm not 100% certain but my recollection is that any time this has been discussed on here it has been quickly pointed out that the goal should always be awarded and anyone saying you should disallow the goal and award a penalty has been fairly quickly disabused of that notion.
Are you sure? I'm not 100% certain but my recollection is that any time this has been discussed on here it has been quickly pointed out that the goal should always be awarded and anyone saying you should disallow the goal and award a penalty has been fairly quickly disabused of that notion.

Only way the goal should [EDIT: NOT] be awarded is if the whistle blew before the ball crossed the line.

Interesting philosophical question about protests though. Awarding the goal is applying advantage. Is the failure to apply advantage a mistake in law that can be protested?
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Are you sure? I'm not 100% certain but my recollection is that any time this has been discussed on here it has been quickly pointed out that the goal should always be awarded and anyone saying you should disallow the goal and award a penalty has been fairly quickly disabused of that notion.

I've tried looking for the post but can't find it. I seem to recall there was a video followed by a lengthy debate.
There has been difference of opinion on if a 'certain' goal is about to be scored after a DOGSO-RED in the area, should you blow whistle straight away (before scoring), award pen and send off offender, or should you play advantage, allow the goal and yellow card the offender.

But once a goal has been scored before the game is stopped, I think we have all agreed that it should be allowed to stand.
You live and learn. Contact your RDO to clarify things and smooth it over.

If you know you made a mistake I'd tell the player privately after the game as well that you'll be contacting the RDO for clarification. Most sane players would appreciate the honesty and it will help you next time you ref them.