How would you approach this game?


RefChat Addict
I've been appointed to an U16 match at the weekend that has me slightly worried.

The home manager takes it upon himself to complain and make things difficult. Before every game, he makes a point of telling his team to be careful because I'm a "jobsworth" who's "out to get them"; this isn't a case of me overhearing, he always does it at a point where I'm guaranteed to hear, such as when I'm checking the nets. Furthermore, he has apparently been telling other managers how much he dislikes me. One of my neighbours happens to be the chairman of a local club, who overheard him telling an opposition manager that "at least he's not that Matthew ****, he's a w****r".

I just don't get it. I think it stems back to me calling a game off a few years ago when the pitch was waterlogged, something that he disagreed with. Other than that, I've reffed them five or six times and nothing unusual has happened.

Obviously, I won't referee his team differently to any other, but I'm not sure how to approach the coach or the game in general. If he carries on with the usual pre-match nonsense, do I say anything?
A&H International
If he says anything before the game then inform him you will be reporting him for his comments and ref the game like normal. If after reporting him he still behaves like that in the future keep reporting until he gets the message. If he is making things difficult during the game then you can ask him to leave. If it is just pre game I would just leave it at the report. That's the way I would personally approach this
@Matthew - it look likes general concern rather than specific issues.

Just approaching the match no differently to any other. If he starts, go though the process: Warn and then discipline.

If he wants to be a p**t, then let him pay for the privilege.

Other option - be a complete b*****d, award everything against his team, caution for everything, etc. It won't matter to him and therefore not change his opinion of you - but you may feel better afterwards.
Yeah as Lincs said just before the first whistle try not to make a rod for your own back obviously warn then then report if needs be
You are the law.

Use the stepped approach @Matthew. If he complains or incites his team, make a point of warning him in his Technical Area. On the second occasion call him on to the field by about 5 yards and give him a very public rebuke. On the third occasion, get rid of him and report him to your County FA.

If you have any Respect Marshalls at your game, then seek their support when you go to talk to the manager so you have an independent witness.

Don't shout, don't wave your arms around, just speak very quietly to him, leaning in close so no one can hear your comments. Then do a big cut the grass on the second warning.
@Matthew - it look likes general concern rather than specific issues.

Just approaching the match no differently to any other. If he starts, go though the process: Warn and then discipline.

If he wants to be a p**t, then let him pay for the privilege.

Other option - be a complete b*****d, award everything against his team, caution for everything, etc. It won't matter to him and therefore not change his opinion of you - but you may feel better afterwards.

I sometimes wish I had it in me to be vindictive, but unfortunately I haven't. If he wants to be a complete idiot, he can pay for the privilege, but it wouldn't be right to take it out on the players!

Use the stepped approach @Matthew. If he complains or incites his team, make a point of warning him in his Technical Area. On the second occasion call him on to the field by about 5 yards and give him a very public rebuke. On the third occasion, get rid of him and report him to your County FA.

If you have any Respect Marshalls at your game, then seek their support when you go to talk to the manager so you have an independent witness.

Don't shout, don't wave your arms around, just speak very quietly to him, leaning in close so no one can hear your comments. Then do a big cut the grass on the second warning.

Thanks, Brian.

You'll have to forgive my ignorance here, but what is a Respect Marshall?
Other option - be a complete b*****d, award everything against his team, caution for everything, etc. It won't matter to him and therefore not change his opinion of you - but you may feel better afterwards.

So, other option is to completely and utterly abuse your power? Perhaps you need to review the law -especially the part about BE FAIR and BE SEEN TO BE FAIR!!!

If I overheard that sort of manager's comments, I'd be inclined to offer him warning 1 at that point. He may or may not get warning 2 before dismissal ;-)
So, other option is to completely and utterly abuse your power? Perhaps you need to review the law -especially the part about BE FAIR and BE SEEN TO BE FAIR!!!

My phones doesn't allow emojes, so I could imply the humour involved. It was went to be serious....just that his opinion wont change whatever you do...
So, other option is to completely and utterly abuse your power? Perhaps you need to review the law -especially the part about BE FAIR and BE SEEN TO BE FAIR!!!

If I overheard that sort of manager's comments, I'd be inclined to offer him warning 1 at that point. He may or may not get warning 2 before dismissal ;-)

This was why I didn't use Judge Dredd as an insert. ;)
I sometimes wish I had it in me to be vindictive, but unfortunately I haven't. If he wants to be a complete idiot, he can pay for the privilege, but it wouldn't be right to take it out on the players!

Thanks, Brian.

You'll have to forgive my ignorance here, but what is a Respect Marshall?

Most leagues have a designated "RESPECT" officer (volunteer) whose responsibility it is to visit venues and fixtures occasionally, either by request or just randomly. They would normally be identifiable by wearing the logo in some shape or form, but not always. Their "job" is to monitor the behaviour of clubs, players, coaches, and spectators alike and check whether or not basic RESPECT protocols are being followed and/or put in place, such as inappropriate language/abuse/behaviour and if say, for example, a barrier is in place.
One option you do have, is to phone the league secretary or appointments officer and ask that this officer be allocated to your match for the reasons you've given(?) That way, you might ensure that there is someone there to witness stuff, as Brian has already alluded to. ;) :)
Am I a bit sadistic that I would relish a meeting with a pr¡ck like this?

Bring it on mate and do your worst - not only will I show the whole game that you're the prat you are, I'll enjoy reporting you afterwards.
Most leagues have a designated "RESPECT" officer (volunteer) whose responsibility it is to visit venues and fixtures occasionally, either by request or just randomly. They would normally be identifiable by wearing the logo in some shape or form, but not always. Their "job" is to monitor the behaviour of clubs, players, coaches, and spectators alike and check whether or not basic RESPECT protocols are being followed and/or put in place, such as inappropriate language/abuse/behaviour and if say, for example, a barrier is in place.
One option you do have, is to phone the league secretary or appointments officer and ask that this officer be allocated to your match for the reasons you've given(?) That way, you might ensure that there is someone there to witness stuff, as Brian has already alluded to. ;) :)

Definitely worth a try. I'll give the referees secretary in the morning and have a chat about my concerns, I wasn't aware of a "respect officer", but being a respect league I'd imagine it does have one!
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Definitely worth a try. I'll give the referees secretary in the morning and have a chat about my concerns, I wasn't aware of a "respect officer", but being a respect league I'd imagine it does have one!

I know that the league I operate on has one Matthew, but it's no dead cert that somebody has volunteered to fill the position in your particular league. ;)
You can only contact them and ask the question though. I'm guessing there probably is somebody. ;)
In any event, good luck with it and this idiot coach. Let us know how you get on mate. :)
I know that the league I operate on has one Matthew, but it's no dead cert that somebody has volunteered to fill the position in your particular league. ;)
You can only contact them and ask the question though. I'm guessing there probably is somebody. ;)
In any event, good luck with it and this idiot coach. Let us know how you get on mate. :)

Just checked the website, the position is filled by somebody named "vacant". Sure he's a nice guy! ;)

I'll certainly report back, almost relishing the game now. I'll be as friendly as always, which will probably annoy him more to be honest! :rolleyes: