

New Member
Just signed up to this forum having stumbled across it accidently.

I am a level 7 referee who is coming to the end of my first season back in the game. I originally took up the whistle at the start of the 1998/99 season at the tender age of 15.

After 3 seasons I toddled off to university and never really kept going with it all. I continued to register up until 2005/06 as an inactive level 7 but allowed my registration to lapse. About this time last year I had this weird urge to get involved again and so I contacted my County FA and with a bit of form filling and exam passing I was back for 2010/11.

Not exactly enjoyed a distinguished career to date (mainly local Sunday and Junior league stuff) but considering a promotion application in 2012 if I am doing ok and still enjoying it during the rest of 2011.

I have officiated at two Norway Cups (2000 and 2002) and may even get back there next year if time (and the wife) allows me to!

Anyways, looking forward to "meeting" a few new folks through this forum and getting involved in some "Ref Chat."
A&H International
Glad you found the place

Welcome to RefChat, hope you stick around
Thanks guys. Already had a good dig around previous threads and I have come across some really useful documents and discussion.

My season may have come to an end last Sunday but I will be popping by here on a regular basis all being well to benefit from the experience of others and join in some friendly banter and discussion.

(That and I want to know how to win a set of flags!!!)
DE-REF said:
Thanks guys. Already had a good dig around previous threads and I have come across some really useful documents and discussion.

My season may have come to an end last Sunday but I will be popping by here on a regular basis all being well to benefit from the experience of others and join in some friendly banter and discussion.

(That and I want to know how to win a set of flags!!!)

Glad you find the site useful :)

Details on the flag competition should be up by the weekend