Open Age I hope I never have that team again...


Well-Known Member
Red vs Claret. The red team were the sort of team I cannot stand, giving loads of lip all throughout the game. They lost 4-0.

It all started when a rather robust challenge came in from the red 15. He apologised immediately and received a yellow for the challenge - bit of a borderline yellow/red challenge. Bearing in mind it was 7 mins in I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. 10 minutes later a penalty was given for the red GK holding in the box during a corner. I haven't got a clue where the complaints game from - it was clearcut. Cautioned red 12 for his protests.
A poor challenge came in by a claret player which didn't warrant a card but sent the sidelines mental saying it was 'studs up' and 'two foot' which was utterly ridiculous. One spectator said 'ref you're sh*t, keep a grip on the game, sort it out' and alike which went on for five minutes so I gave him a final warning about his conduct. Nothing for the rest of the half (all 7 minutes of it).

Second half begins without incident. 10 minutes into the second half, red 9 says to an opponent 'I'll f**king punch you mate' so I dismissed him immediately.
To digress, red 9 made lots of comments after dismissal such as 'don't f**king look at me ref' while I was looking at play as well as comments like 'ref you need to keep up with play, you're having a shocker (despite me following the diagonal and keeping up with play well!) I sent him away. Took 5 minutes to leave while saying I'm a disgrace and all of the usual comments a player makes after they've been sent off and walked off.
When I restarted play, I didn't have any incidents for about 20 minutes. Then after getting fouled, the red 2 grabbed an opposition player by the neck and shoved him to the ground. Sent him off for VC. About 10 seconds later red 12 decided to tell me I was having a shocker. He was given a second caution. The same spectator then decided to have another 3 minute rant so I sent him away for his troubles as well.

All in all, a crap game of football. Hate teams like this!
EDIT: Forgot to add. About 2 minutes before the end of the game, I heard the spectator I sent away scream 'THE REFEREES A W*NKER!!!' Bearing in mind he was about 150 yards away, seems a bit stupid. I was just thinking 'yeah you laugh mate, enjoy your misconduct report.' :D
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A&H International
sounds awful....and here's me just told a ref sec that i'm available tomorrow morning if neccessary!

you should never have to talk to a spectator, mind - manager/coach or captain/player captain but never a spectator
Even they were giving me stick. I felt a direct approach would help... I was clearly wrong! What a learning curve today has been... mainly being that the red team is a nightmare.
Made that mistake of deciding to agree to talk to a parent after a lively game (bear in mind it was u10s). I figured that she might be reasonable but was just saying I missed lots of shirt pulling (which I didn't). As we walked a spectator from same team bowled up alongside and said "you were a f'ing disgrace ref" as all headed for the car park. I just turned to team coach who was next to him and said he is your responsibility to calm him down or any report I submit will reflect poorly on your club. Can't wait to get that team again!
I have "That Team" too - and ive just got my FullTime Email saying ive got them in early December again.

They will protest every decision, their manager cant understand how they could ever concede a goal (let alone lose a game) and every decision is "Its ok lads, the ref knows he's made a mistake, but lets play on" or "Looks like its 12 v 11 today guys!"

All that normal crap that I absolutely despise from teams.

Why do really good teams who knock it about like running water and bang goals for fun never get irrate with decisions?
@DanRicketts I LOVE it when you're doing real youngsters and someone tells you how much shirt pulling, or pushing, punching, kicking etc you're missing. I've referred lots of youth football and can honestly say I've seen none of the above till you get to about u15. Kids just aren't clever enough to do this sort of thing without it being really obvious. My first u10 one of the coaches basically spade it sound like I'd spent the game wandering through a battle field blind folded the number of incidents he claims I didn't see. I soon came to realise its just more of those silly mind games they play.
Why do really good teams who knock it about like running water and bang goals for fun never get irrate with decisions?

Before every game I will either say this to a manager, coach or spectator. But at every level the team that adapts to the referee quickest wins the game. Last weeks ref might have let everything go, but I will blow for every tiny push etc. it's how I am. The team that moans and gets frustrated with every free kick I give will lose. The team that works out I will give everything and moaning at me doesn't help, will go on and win. Both teams might think I'm terrible for whatever reason, but if you get on with it you'll end up winning.
Interesting approach Dave and if it works for you , it works.

But , IMHO, ANY pre match talk, and I avoid, is fraught with danger if you're going to start "promising" to give this or that, do this or that.

I agree that in some matches/circumstances a "tiny push" is a foul, but in others its not.

Plus , like us all, you WILL miss some foul challenges, do you not find that leaves you open to comments like "Thought you were giving EVERYthing ref?"?
@PinnerPaul ah sorry for the confusion. I mean just in casual conversation prior to the match, someone I'll speak to I end up mentioning it. I don't speak to the teams beforehand at all. I personally think it's the managers and coaches that are there to tell their players how to behave, not me. But whether or not you should speak to the teams pre mathpch is a debate for another day as it works for some.
I love those types of games in a way, because I know the types of games that players play because, I used to do similar things myself! Little pinch here and there in the defenders back where the ref cant see then when they have had enough and get annoyed they get sent off XD WIN WIN! So i love being able to spot these things and call them up on it because they looked so shocked, like '****, how does he know!' I also love the stick sometimes because it makes you switch on more!
Ah coach mind games, had that one in my u10a! 2 teams I'd not reffed, coach says "keep an eye for their late tackles". As it was the other team didn't need to tackle and won 10-0. The aforementioned coach spent the whole game screaming at his players to "hit 'em 'ard!" and "if they give it ya give it 'em back more!" I think these young lads took that to mean give the ball back as that was all they did!
@DanRicketts personally I'd be reporting the coach at that age for saying stuff like that. They shouldn't be telling them to do things like that, especially so obviously.
The thought crossed my mind but my brc never made any mention of being allowed to do so. Way too much focus on 11 a side.