If your face fits


Assistant World Cup Sweepstake Organiser
Level 7 Referee
I was refereeing a match a few weeks ago, and one of the CARs was speaking to me. He used to be a conference level referee, and was talking to me about that. During the match, he was talking to my dad who was with me. Later on, my dad was telling me what the CAR was saying to him. The ref said that "your face has to fit" to become a high level ref, which is why he didn't progress further. I was wondering, what are your views on that? Do you think your face has to fit to progress up the ladder?
A&H International
If by that he means you've got to be on good terms with the powers above, then yes I would agree. If he means that you have to look good in black then I doubt it ;)
If by that he means you've got to be on good terms with the powers above, then yes I would agree. If he means that you have to look good in black then I doubt it ;)
Lol, I got to agree with MGatiss.

To me it sounds as if this guy was a 'career ref' who didn't achieve the level he desired and there is a little bitterness left over.

Yes, you do need to be seen to be doing the right things by the right people, and you do need to be on good terms and moving in the right circles, as with any career.

Stay active in your area, attend the meetings, work on your game and improve. You will get noticed for the right reasons.

As an aside, I was attending a Federation meeting, as representative of a juniors club I am involved with. The meeting was chaired by the head of our Federation, was quite lively with all the region's clubs in attendance trying to agree to this year's competition structure for u9s through to u15s.

At end of the meeting, I simply went and introduced myself to the Chair, "Hi Peter, thought I'd better introduce myself as we have never met before" - to my surprise he knew who I was, what I did for a living, that I had coached last year's championship-winning team and was an active referee.

Moral of the tale - Do what you do to the best of your abilities and you will be seen, and recognised, for doing it!
MattyontheWhistle said:
To me it sounds as if this guy was a 'career ref' who didn't achieve the level he desired and there is a little bitterness left over.

We also thought that as we were driving away!

I think as you have both said that you need to be 'known' as you said, but as its my first season, I am concentrating on my development. Once I achieve L7, I will begin to attend as many meetings as possible. I am looking on joining a panel of referee for an academy, and also joining the development group with my FA for 14-17 year olds.

Thanks for the advice, and I do think he was right in saying that you need to get known.
......but as its my first season, I am concentrating on my development. Once I achieve L7, I will begin to attend as many meetings as possible. I am looking on joining a panel of referee for an academy, and also joining the development group with my FA for 14-17 year olds.
Sounds like you are going about things in the right way.
We also thought that as we were driving away!

I think as you have both said that you need to be 'known' as you said, but as its my first season, I am concentrating on my development. Once I achieve L7, I will begin to attend as many meetings as possible. I am looking on joining a panel of referee for an academy, and also joining the development group with my FA for 14-17 year olds.

Thanks for the advice, and I do think he was right in saying that you need to get known.
Sounds great what you are doing, in fact I was thinking about doing the same thing - by joining an academy. However, the promotion scheme also caught my eye, so I went for the promotion scheme, in which you have to do adult games. So I cannot afford to do the academy games, however I have a mentor, which coaches me in a similar way to the academies do (or so I've been told)! So all I am saying, is that if you are looking at going onto the promotion scheme soon, it may be better not joining the acadmy, but rather getting a mentor and getting some experience on adult football! It's a mch different game to the youth level!
By academies do you meaning a referee academy or a club academy? Referee academies are where you want to be as a young referee going for promotion or not, if you mean a club academy then I agree with Charlie.
A club academy, a League one club academy. Thanks
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner Charlie. With the development group with my FA, you do not have to referee any games within that. You only meet up 4 times a season, and discuss match incidents, a physical training session etc. So I could be part of both the academy + development group. I went to the academy today, and it looks like I will be refereeing there. I should be getting a game there soon, a bit like a 'tester', and if it works out I will continue, especially as it comes into pre season friendlies and the up coming season. Hopefully it will all come through and go well!