Incorrect player names


Level 7 Referee
I reffed an U18 game today and dished out 2 Sin bin yellows and a yellow for SPA all for away team. I took the three names given to me but only after the match did I realise 2 of the names given aren’t on the team sheet I was given (Unusually I was given a team sheet)

Would you
1, contact the coach and let him know of his players silliness and give him the opportunity to fess up the names
2, report the names given

If I went with option 2 would I just enter the names and hope the CFA spot the discrepancy or would I need to give them some sort of heads up via a misconduct report or other method?

The caution for SPA went

“Player over here pls”
“Steven Gerrard” (yes I know lol)
I raised an ibrow and said
“You better not be sh#%ing me”

His reaction and the look on his face at even the suggestion he was lying was convincing so I took it (thinking it is actually possible)
A&H International
I’d refrain from using that sort of language to any player, let alone a youth player...
That aside, if I had an inkling something was up I’d ask them a second time, then just report the name you’re told is the advice I’ve been given.
Ask him once.... if he says he's Mickey Mouse / Donald Duck, offer to write that down...... But warn him that that's the name will go to the County FA who will rule that that name isn't registered for your team! Warn him that team fines and possible points deductions could follow too..... Now, last chance, what's your name?.....
Ask him once.... if he says he's Mickey Mouse / Donald Duck, offer to write that down...... But warn him that that's the name will go to the County FA who will rule that that name isn't registered for your team! Warn him that team fines and possible points deductions could follow too..... Now, last chance, what's your name?.....

Or just caution him again for taking the piss and be done with him. :p
I reffed an U18 game today and dished out 2 Sin bin yellows and a yellow for SPA all for away team. I took the three names given to me but only after the match did I realise 2 of the names given aren’t on the team sheet I was given (Unusually I was given a team sheet)

Would you
1, contact the coach and let him know of his players silliness and give him the opportunity to fess up the names
2, report the names given

If I went with option 2 would I just enter the names and hope the CFA spot the discrepancy or would I need to give them some sort of heads up via a misconduct report or other method?

The caution for SPA went

“Player over here pls”
“Steven Gerrard” (yes I know lol)
I raised an ibrow and said
“You better not be sh#%ing me”

His reaction and the look on his face at even the suggestion he was lying was convincing so I took it (thinking it is actually possible)
Ask for the name.
If you think you misheard and want confirmation, ask again for it slowly.
Write down the confirmed name.

If it doesn't match what's on the team list, that's going to be handled by the association and is the team's problem, not yours.
I reffed an U18 game today and dished out 2 Sin bin yellows and a yellow for SPA all for away team. I took the three names given to me but only after the match did I realise 2 of the names given aren’t on the team sheet I was given (Unusually I was given a team sheet)

Would you
1, contact the coach and let him know of his players silliness and give him the opportunity to fess up the names
2, report the names given

If I went with option 2 would I just enter the names and hope the CFA spot the discrepancy or would I need to give them some sort of heads up via a misconduct report or other method?

The caution for SPA went

“Player over here pls”
“Steven Gerrard” (yes I know lol)
I raised an ibrow and said
“You better not be sh#%ing me”

His reaction and the look on his face at even the suggestion he was lying was convincing so I took it (thinking it is actually possible)

Option 2 is the route you should follow. Enter the name on the form - if it is registered name, it will pass the CFA checks. If not, they will contact the club to verify it.

if it is fake name, then it leads to whole different level of pain for the player and club. False name given by the player (usually an extra fine by CFA). If he was planning under a ban - further ban for the player and fines for the player and club. Always report what you have been given. Sometimes a player will confess after the final whistle (realising what he has done - but this is more an adult issue), if so, accept the correct name and move on. A junior will try being a p**t and thinking they have got one over on you.

I know of player who was called Michael Mouse - the number of times he got refer to the CFA as a false name was stupid - the CFA had to issue an instruction to referees that that was really his name.
Option 2 is the route you should follow. Enter the name on the form - if it is registered name, it will pass the CFA checks. If not, they will contact the club to verify it.

if it is fake name, then it leads to whole different level of pain for the player and club. False name given by the player (usually an extra fine by CFA). If he was planning under a ban - further ban for the player and fines for the player and club. Always report what you have been given. Sometimes a player will confess after the final whistle (realising what he has done - but this is more an adult issue), if so, accept the correct name and move on. A junior will try being a p**t and thinking they have got one over on you.

I know of player who was called Michael Mouse - the number of times he got refer to the CFA as a false name was stupid - the CFA had to issue an instruction to referees that that was really his name.
Could he play in the Minnie Leagues? 🥳
We don't have that issue here in Australia but my suggestion is both options. Give them a chance to correct it but also report it. It is very likely they do this frequently.

I also have this tip on if you think a player is taking the Micky knowing he is on a yellow. Repeat the name to them and ask them to confirm it. Once done with him, go to the captain and ask for the player's name. If he doesn't give the same name (likely) get the player over and ask the captain to get the correct name for you as the player had given you a different name. In most cases you get the correct name and an easy option of a second yellow for unsporting behaviour.
While you can be proactive and could ask the manager/secretary after the game if they wouldn’t mind “confirming the name for the caution” cos you can’t read your writing or whatever, and just dangle that chance out there to clear it up and see how they react... balls to em. Report as given and let CFA sort it out. Wouldn’t even go chasing it on the field, player thinks he’s got one up on you. It’ll be a nice surprise for him on Tuesday morning 😚

Had it happen (and also had the Michael Mouse mentioned above, but knew him in advance anyway, heh) and I phoned County the following day saying I suspected a false / incorrect name, but they just said send it through and let them open the can of worms 😂
Thanks for the advice all, I’ve submitted “Mr Gerard’s” caution and his team mate who also appears to have lied about his name too.

Asking the captain to confirm the name of his player is a top tip too 👍
Every time I read these strings, I’m grateful that the games I do all have player passes or rosters, so I never have to ask a player for a name. (Under our protocols, I just take the number on the field, and then add the name to the game cards to submit.)
Ask him once.... if he says he's Mickey Mouse / Donald Duck, offer to write that down...... But warn him that that's the name will go to the County FA who will rule that that name isn't registered for your team! Warn him that team fines and possible points deductions could follow too..... Now, last chance, what's your name?.....
The thing is, if the player isn't giving their name because in fact, they aren't registered with the team, and they are someone brought in at the last minute (because of lack of players, for instance) then they may not owe the team any particular allegiance. So telling them about repercussions for the team might not cut any ice with them. That's one reason I think it would be preferable to ask the captain to confirm the name.
Put the name in that you have been given by the player, and also send an email to your ref sec and/or RDO that there is a discrepancy.

It could be an honest mistake or an attempt at cheating by getting ringers in. That's not for you to decide however, all cautions and dismissals should be done in accordance with procedures. They should have covered this at your referee course when you first started.