Inspiring article from the 'Get Inspired' section of the BBC Sport website

A&H International
Kavanagh and Massey-Ellis are among the best in the business
No surprise however to read them singing from the FA's hymn sheet;
"It is becoming a safer environment for people to officiate in"
I'd like to see proof regarding this throw-away statement. I'm guessing that a top official who doesn't tow the line with public comments, wouldn't progress as well as they'd like
Despite the lack of diversity in top-flight refereeing, she says that times are changing

Not really fast enough to be honest.

There are still serious and severe barriers to officiating for those who are disabled for example; I would have plenty of examples of this myself. Sure, it is becoming more diverse gender-wise - there's initiatives and drives going on for recruiting women into refereeing and that's great, but I'm not going to get on board with the 'it's changing' until the whole process is genuinely accessible for everyone and I don't mean "they can pick up a whistle", I actually mean there is accessibility for them to attend training seminars or access their referee's society meetings, stuff like that.